I have 3 boys - my oldest is now 22. The younger ones are still at home at 13 and 11.
Middle of May of 2006 I got tired of repeatedly having talks with my oldest about helping out the family by paying rent, (he never did altho he agreed to it), doing yard work, cleaning up his dishes, regular chores, etc. I'm a single mom and was trying to fully support all three boys on my private practice as an LC and really needed the help. His girlfriend coming over all the time just made things worse. She'd eat my food, make a mess and not clean it up and then I'd find out she was doing laundry at my house too using my laundry supplies! I was always nice to her and respectful to her - she rarely returned that common courtesy. I had talked to my son about her behavior several times with nothing but excuses. The interesting thing here is I had a couple roommates who took advantage of me - not paying rent on time or at all, not helping with housework, etc - I had to throw them out too. My son had chewed my butt one day about letting oeople live with me and take advantage...
So one day they came home and she walked right by me in my own kitchen and didn't even acknowledge my existence for the umpteenth time. I snapped. I called my son over and calmly said, "Hey, you need to pack your stuff and move out by the 1st of June - I'm changing the locks on the 2nd and you're not getting a key." The look on his face was priceless. He tried to argue - I said "You told me not to let anyone living with me take advantage of me and you were 100% right. You are taking advantage and I'm done with it. I love you - move out." He moved out. He is still pretty mad - BUT - now he has a full time job, making decent money, he left the girlfriend and is finally making a life for himself. I know one day he will get over being mad at me and come back home to visit. :)
Now - the caveat to this story?? My two younger boys were there when this happened. They know that even tho mom may not want to - she WILL practice TOUGH LOVE and it IS TOUGH! So, they do their chores when asked, they volunteer to help, they don't argue with me about it. They clean up after themselves (most of the time) without being asked. :) We have a great relationship...it actually did get considerably better when I set my older son free to live his own life. (sounds better than "threw him out" :) )
After my long story - my advice to you is if you have talked yourself blue in the face and they still refuse to follow the house rules - practice tough love - don't give them an option. The more you let them stay and get away with this disrespectful behavior - the longer the turmoil and disrespect will continue. Tough Love is HARD to do - but it will make a difference and sometimes you just have to do it not only for your sake - but mostly for theirs. They HAVE to learn! We all had to learn...
I wish you luck! They may be ticked off at you for a while but they will eventually come around and thank you for helping them to grow up and become responsible adults...
J. - been there done that...feeling for you!