Hi W.,... Congratulations on your new little one! I was looking for a mommy group at about 6 weeks for my little boy too. I found a group through Meetup.com. For San Fernando Valley Moms. It's an awesome group of ladies (and Daddies) and babies of all ages. There are a bunch of moms with 2-3 month olds (my sons age) but I believe there are some ladies with 6-8 week olds too. We do various activities and play dates. Ie. In 2 weeks we are going on a Mommy Stroller walk through Balboa Lake, and last week we went to a Gym class @ My Gym in Encino, and Friday we had a play date at a woman's house. If that sounds like something you are interested in check out Meetup.com for San Fernando Valley New & Expecting Moms. Hope to see you there!