Hey W.,
Yes, go with your gut. don't vaccinate him. I didn't give my son any of the vaccines. I think that if I had he would have had real problems. I also wanted to add that I have had no problem getting him into daycare or school, there are waivers that you sign, the schools won't tell you about them until you ask. If they say they don't have them you can get them from the department of health. There are both personal waivers and religious waivers, with the religions ones you don't even have to put in your religion. By law your child has to go to school and they can't keep them out because of no vaccines, it's your child's constitutional right to go to school. If you do some investigation into vaccines and the latest studies done, you will get a chill up and down your spine and when you hear the stories you'll cry. Although moms on this site will disagree totally, stick to your intuition, I'm very glad that I did. Best to you and your family, M.