Seeking Great Meet up Group for My 1 1/2 Yr Old to Join in Acton, MA Area!

Updated on May 19, 2008
J.D. asks from Acton, MA
5 answers

Hi, we just moved from Long Island and was a part of a great Mamma's group! We are now looking for a group of mamas and kiddies who love to get together and create friendships in the Acton, MA area. We are looking to be very active!

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So What Happened?

Thanks for the responses! I will def look into the suggested groups and orgs! :)
I hope to maybe meet some of you at the future events!

More Answers



answers from Boston on

Hi J.!
I just happened upon mamasource by chance, someone sent me a link. I am an assistant organizer for the "Acton Area Mom's Against Boredom Group" through If you are still looking for a mamma's group to join, I highly recommend it! Just go to and find us and send a request! We do all kinds of playdates - parks, playgrounds, home playdates, the Children's Museum in Acton, indoor play areas when the weather is bad, etc! We also do a mom's night out once a month.
Check it out, the kids and I love it!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Boston on

I've been a member of the Chelmsford Mothers' Club since I moved to the area 3 years ago and LOVE it. It's a great way to connect with other moms in the area, and they do all sorts of activities for moms and their kids (a monthly "moms' night out", regularly scheduled children's activities, as well as play groups). They have a website Good luck in your search!



answers from Boston on

Hi J.,

I belong to the Acton Mom's Against Boredom Group. We get together a couple of times a week at various playgrounds and at members houses. It has been fun for me and the kids. It is on Let me know if you have any questions.




answers from Boston on

WWW.CHELMSFORDPLAYROOM.ORG IS A COMMUNITY Playroom mon and thurs 9:30-11:30 open play, storytime, snack and craft. It is a coop so all caregivers are encouraged to volunteer for one task once a month. It closes for the summer on June 12, so you might want to check it out in the next week or so and decide if you want to join for next session.



answers from Boston on

Have you looked into the Acton Family Network? This is a great organiziation geared to families of children under 7. AFN offers theme parties throughout the year, monthly storyhours and craft hours, a babysitting co-op, weekly outings, a book group, weekly playgroups, educational seminars, mom's night out, cooks corner, a newsletter, and much more. You can find them at

Infancy to Independence is a weekly parent-run playgroup and parent education center, located in Acton. Check them out at

Good Luck!

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