Well, I'm not sure what your medical history is, but Tylenol does absolutely nothing for my headaches. It's really great for fevers, and that is about it (for me, other people really like it.) I can tell you that large doses of Tylenol is really not good for your liver, and alcohol compounds the problem. I have similar issues with constant headaches and migraines, and I have had a CT scan, MRI, and an MRA, and everything came up "normal". As far as over the counter medications go, I usually stick with NSAID's (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) or Aleve. A lot of my most severe headaches start off as tension headaches. I can feel it creeping up my neck and I know that if I don't take something immediately I won't be able to see straight. You say that your neck is always stiff and sore, well that sounds awful familiar! It is really important to keep up with your doctor, and it sounds like they have done a lot of tests. If you ever have "the worse headache of your life" you should go to the emergency room, because it could be something more serious. Your doctor can also give you a prescription for your migraines, although it won't work on regular headaches. I would give Ibuprofen or Aleve a try (if you don't have any medical reason why you shouldn't) and don't wait until the headache is really bad. Also, if your neck is always stiff and sore it could be causing your headaches. My neck usually hurts because of stress. I never realized how much tension I carry in my neck and shoulders until I took a Stress Management class. I pay more attention to my muscle tension now and I learned several relaxation techniques that help me out quite a bit. Come to think of it, I only get headaches once or twice a month now that I took that class. I used to get them every single day. So, to recap, keep in touch with your doctor, try something other than tylenol, and try a stress management class. Good luck!