Hi J.,
You need to take this seriously. What you describe sounds like autism. I have a slightly autistic daughter. She gave me clues that something was ammiss. But people around me kept telling me she was ok- she would grow out of it.Even a pediatrician. If your motherly instinct is telling you she seems "a little behind" then the reality is there. By the way, my daughter also had some strengths similar to your daughter. She was, and still is, a whiz at puzzles, and she was exceptioanlly good at catching a ball as well. So much more so than my other two. She is good at math (logic/ puzzles.)Her imagination is amazing. She was always a "watcher" and was content to suck her thumb and observe the action. She is by no means stupid, she just can't communicate at the level she should.
Look up CAPD online.
Signs of autism:
Central auditory processing disorder.
Loud sounds like a radio will hurt their ears. Sound may fluctuate up and down for them.( you wont know this until they are older)they might be able to hear just fine, but will have a hard time "hearing" people in a room with background noise.May tend to read lips.
slightly Slower to sit up, crawl and hold bottle than other children.may not hold own bottle. May not babble or have reduced babbling.
Has been on antibiotics for ear infections.
Stays sick longer than others in the household/suppressed immune system.
High tolerance to pain ,or can't take minimal pain.
Resistant to cuddle or can't sit still on lap, constantly getting up.
No fear of danger.
Doesnt point with one finger.
uses gestures instead of words. Inability to put two words together. Will have a hard time with muti sylable words or scentences with 2-3 words in it. may be slower to walk (a few months behind) than other children. Might not cruise furniture, use a walker or crawl. Lacks social cues- doesn't really respond to self in mirror.Might not seek out others to look at, smile at, as when you are in a store, etc.
antibiotic sensitivities/allergy.
deep or gruff voice (+2 yrs) . possible IBS symptoms or bloated belly.
frequent outbursts or melt downs,agressive,sometimes for no good reason.
Possible thrush(mouth fungus) or extreme diaper rashes as an infant.
Autism rates are absolutely soaring in California and the rest of the nation is following. People have been so used to seeing children with the inability to speak or communicate that it has become the norm. I am very sensitive to it, as I have a daughter with speech delays. But watching a documentary of children in Isreal and Palestine, the way these varous children spoke, I could see clearly that these children have far superior communication and speaking skills to American kids.
They don't grow out of it. My child started out a month behind on milestones as an infant, and as she grew, the gaps got larger. She was a year behind on speaking ability as a toddler. people told me she's grow out of it. By the time she was 4 she was 2 years behind where my other child was at that age.At age 6.5 she can speak and talk, but she doesn't have the vocabulary she should for her age.She still lacks in communication. 4 or more syllable words like "remarkable" just don't come out of her mouth.
I think the reason you get so many responses of people saying its ok for them to not speak is that it is so common now.
Environmental factors are at work. TOXINS. overload of toxins are a big part of the problem. Toxins help bacteria, fungi and parasites to thrive. Once the immune system is suppressed, all kinds of infections can infect the CNS.
Give your child 10-15 mg of iodine a day. This one is important. (no, iodized salt won't take care of this requirement).It helps detox the body ,leaching out the mercury, and keeps bacteria and viruses at bay.
give Fulvic acid every day to give all the trace minerals missing in our diets, and help detox the body and help get rid of heavy metals.
bentonite clay to help get rid of heavy metals.
Get a chlorine / floride filter on your water- both are poison to the central nervous system and also affect the thyroid.
Stay away from Estrogenic factors/endocrine disruptors:
Soy and all its derivatives (in all proccessed foods, as soy extract, soy casienate, soy protein, etc)and soy milks
Chlorine - (also blocks iodine receptors )including pools, splenda, sucralose, hot tubs.
dental sealants
Parabens -found in most lotions and sun tan lotions.
BHT - preservatives (cereals, etc)
Corn products (have lots of fungus in them from the silos)
Some people have found that giving the children alka seltzer GOLD has helped autism trememndously.
Others say there is a connection between autism and a bacteria called borrelia b., the bacteria resposible for lyme disease. (it is transferrable by moquitos,fleas, tics, and in-utero, it is becoming an epidemic.)Another good reason to take iodine, bacteria hides behind heavy metals)
Huma worm pills *(humaworm.com) to deparasize. there are several parasites that infect the central nervous system.
Use boron (borax- the laundry detg) to wash her hair and simply rinse it out. No more toxic chemicals in shampoos like isopropyl products, parabens, bht, etc...
Good luck,