Seeking a Lutheran Missouri Synod Church

Updated on October 12, 2007
T.J. asks from Carpentersville, IL
5 answers

Hi Ladies!

My husband and I moved to IL last November from MN. We had our daughter in February and are looking to find a church home. We live in the NW suburbs of IL. Does anyone know of any churches? We are looking for a church that has multiple groups for kids and adults to join as well a bible study for couples. We are also looking for a church that has a contemporary worship service.

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answers from Chicago on

Hi T.,

I'm not sure exactly where you live, so our church might be too far as we are in the western burbs. We attend Our Living Lord Luthern Church in Bartlett. Its on Rt 59, south of Lake St. There are two services on Sunday, one contempory, and one service on Saturday. There is also multiple bible studies, kids programs and adult programs. They have a website to look up if you're interested.



answers from Chicago on

Hi T.,

I just moved to Schaumburg and just became a member of St. Peter's on Schaumburg road. My kids attend school there and they have four worship services including a contemporary 11am service on Sunday. I have been so happy with this church and the staff. They also have several groups to join or you can start your own - I am looking into a Bowling group :)plus Bible study on Thursday night and Sunday morning as well as Kid's Kingdom (Sunday School) on Sunday morning and the times coincide, which is nice. There are many more bible studies in smaller groups as well. They really have a lot to offer.

Their website is

Good Luck,



answers from Chicago on

I, too, was going to recommend St. Peter's Church in Schaumburg. I do not go there, however, my neighbors who live behind me do, as well as a co-worker. Both families have children in St. Peter's school. I have heard good things about it.



answers from Chicago on


I live in Schaumburg and there is a Lutheran Missouri Synod church on Schaumburg Road, near intersection of Schaumburg and Roselle. I am not sure about groups for kids and adults. The name is St Peter and their website link is :

If you go to and put in lutheran church and schaumburg illinois, you will get some matches.

Hope this helps,



answers from Chicago on

Hi T.,

I smiled as I read your post because my family and I are kinda in the same boat. There is a, you can look under congregation and it will give you locations and numbers of members as well as links to the churches websites.

I am sorry to not be of more help. If there is anything I can do-let me know. Welcome to the area! There are lots of things to check out.


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