Oak Arbor Christian School is excellent. It is on Longwood/Lake Mary road. My son was 3 when we put him in there and I believe they are part of the reason he has excelled. He was reading at age 4 and is now in Kindergarten and being tested for the gifted program. They do not offer VPK, so I switched him to Tuskawilla United Methodist Preschool that was closer to me on Red Bug Road when he was 4. They are very good as well, used the "creative curriculum" where as Oak Arbor used the "A Bekka" curriculum. I've also had friends that have put their children in Lake Mary Community Preschool, so you may want to check them out as well. It is hard to find a place where you are comfortable leaving your child if they have always been home with you, so take tours and get a feel for the place and you will just "know" when it is right for you. Good Luck!