Searching in TUSD

Updated on April 17, 2008
S.D. asks from Tucson, AZ
4 answers

I recently moved to Tucson and am becoming disappointed with TUSD already. I've heard so many bad things about it, and will probably take advantage of open enrollment when my daughter starts kindergarten next year. (Or I'll rent an apt. in Amphi, I guess) I want a school with average or small class sizes and where the kids get either art or music or both. Does that exist in TUSD? (Not an OMA school, those are all low-performing)

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So What Happened?

Hey everyone,
I've got my daughter all set up to go to a magnet school in TUSD that offers visual art, music, and PE. They also have small class sizes and lots of options like multi-age with looping, team-teaching, etc. I'm excited and it seems like it will be a great fit. It's Borton Primary, if anyone's interested, and I had to sign up for the "magnet lottery," but got lucky I guess. They also bus kids in from all over the district, so we'll even have a bus route. And after school enrichment until 4:15 if you need it, or KIDCO through the park district until 6 for a nominal fee each year. If you live in TUSD and have young kids, that lottery cut off date was in March, I think. And the open enrollment is long after that, in case you don't get either of your first 2 choices.

Thanks for the thoughts and advice!

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answers from Tucson on

Hi S.,
Check out It is called Arizona Virtual Academy. It is a state funded program called "school at home." Kind of like homeschooling. The state test your child and give you a whole year's worth of supplies and curriculum based on the child's level. A teacher also follows you and set up conferences with you. There is also an option of hybrid school where your child can go once a week and have classes with other k12 kids. I have 3 that I teach and it is working out great. All of them are working above grade level. Just another option. Good luck.

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answers from Tucson on

Should I be disappointed also? I have not heard anything about the schools here because I don't have many friends here but was wondering what open enrollment is. I am enrolling my daughter in Pueblo Gardens tomorrow. I thought I had to enroll her in the school that's close to home. I need to know what kinds of questions need to be asked to possibly make some suggestions to her school. I am happy to be in Tucson because most of my family lives here and in Nogales but if her school is not going to be the best, I don't know what I can do if I am already enrolling her there.



answers from Tucson on

I have to say I agree with you. My daughter attended K at a TUSD school last year. Normally a very social person, she became quiet and withdrawn. She had attended a preschool and loved it, but last year she cried and begged not to go to school. Come to find out we had issues with the teacher isolating her because she would not help "teach" the other students (since she was at a higher level than some of the other students). Also the older kids were on the playground the same time as the younger ones, she came home with large bruises and broken glasses. I talked to the teacher and eventually the principal. Nothing was ever done. I was desperate. One of my co-workers reccommended the school that her child attended. I applied and my daughter was accepted and started this year for 1st grade. The school she attends is Tucson International Academy. What a big differance. Extremely impressed does not describe it. It is a small charter school. 20 or less students in each class. There are afer school clubs. My daughter has been introduced to (language and culture)Chinese, Spanish and French. Her grades are wonderful and she is her social self again. They teach them something called Peacebuilding, any type of violence (verbal or physical) is absolutly not tolerated(by parents or children). It was the best decision I could of made. I hope this helps.



answers from Tucson on

I can't comment on the schools as I didn't go here or have kids here however I have recently met a whole lot of folks who are in the Sonoran Desert Homeschoolers something or other, seems like a neat group of people from all over Tucson and some Phx, who have kids of all ages and I think there are some homeschooling resources etc. if that would be any option for you, or maybe you could get some more local info from them? good luck :) I know my sister was in the magnet program years ago and did great, contrary to her years prior for sure..

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