What gets me is that most schools pool everything and put it all in the teachers supply closet. So when someone needs a pencil she gets whatever one is on top and hands it to the child that needs the pencil.
My grand kids don't even get to use the cool stuff that they were given by some friends. She got pencils for them with their names on them...They all went into the supply closet.
I think this stinks.
A friend of mine has 7 kids. When they were all in school there was one in kindergarten, one is 3rd, one in 4th, one in 6th, one in 8th, a 10th grader and a Senior.
Each and every one of their supply lists required 10 red folders with the tabs and pockets in them for assignments. We have thousands of kids in our school system in this area. They sold out of red folders the first day.
Each child had numerous exact requests like this. She ended up going to OKC, Tulsa, even ordered a bunch of it online. Her school supplies that one year cost her over $600. She even addressed the school board on this topic and told them they needed to tell the teachers they needed to keep their lists shorter and not so specific. So what if an assignment got handed in in a green folder instead of a red one or the homework folder was orange instead of red.
It was ridiculous. Our school's from the level of middle school on up have gone book-less. They rent you a laptop that the child is supposed to do their entire school experience on. It is the text book and the home work book too.
One of our grandparents raising grandchildren support group friends came to the September meeting last year and was so shocked at the enrollment process. Her son had died from the flu and she got all 4 of his children. There was no child support, no mother anywhere to be found to help pay, no other resources or others to help. She was told the child going into this middle school could not even enroll until she paid a $75 for the process and the computer stuff. Then she had to buy a carrying case for the computer that was $50. That was her grocery money for the rest of the month. She luckily had not gone to buy groceries yet or she would have had to take him back home until she had enough money to pay for it.
They told her they didn't have any resources for her even if she was low income. That stinks.
I think no one presses the school systems policies and they allow teachers and schools to take advantage of our positions. We are not able to home school if we work, nor are we able to just let the kids show up with no supplies.
I do not think it is fair for anyone else to have to pay for my grand kids supplies but I also do not think it is fair for them to not be able to go to school if their caregivers would rather put food on the table instead of a bunch of pencils and tissues in the school supply closet for everyone else to use.