Saving Things from One Child to Another

Updated on July 30, 2007
B.P. asks from Lumberton, MS
6 answers

Ok i have a boy that is 2 and i saved all his baby clothes, towels, burp rags, shoes and i'm sure more but here is my question? I saved the clothes by sizes and if they could be used for boy or girl. Now i'm pg with baby #2 and it is a girl. I have gone throught the boy or girl clothes and took about half to salvation army and kepet the rest. I went throught the other things and kept what i thought i would use but now my main question is should i save the boy shoes or should i try to sale them????? I mean after baby 2 gets here and for sure she is a girl should i sale all the boy shoes that are good to sale or should i save them for baby #3 which we plan on taking a 4 year break before baby #3 gets here? Just wondering if any other mom with more than 2 kids has some advice for me

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answers from Jackson on

Save them only if they are classic shoes that can be worn again. Don't save trendy or old looking shoes because you will never use them again, even if you say you will. Trust me! I have three kids!



answers from Jackson on

It depends on your financial situation. I have 4 kids: 2 of each, and the clothes and shoes that I saved from the older ones have been a lifesaver for us! We are a 1 income family.



answers from Tuscaloosa on

Hey B.-
I would say sell them. I have triplet 2 year old boys...and most everything I am selling...
Reason #1 I may never have another boy
Reason #2 Styles change so may be out of date by the time you know your not going to need it and not be able to sell it.
Reason #3 I need to buy for my current kids...any anything they can no longer wear I consign...we have two big sales here in the Bham area that I sell and buy in....the truth of the matter is if I do in fact have another boy...I have no problem buying consignment and can find much better deals than buying them new...or holding on to old stuff.

Now with all that said...I am holding on to the sentimental stuff....stuff that could be boy or girl...and things that people made specifically for them!





answers from Baton Rouge on

if you have the space for them and they are classic shoes and in good condition then i would save them



answers from Hattiesburg on

i only have one 3y/o girl and i dont see why the girl cant wear some of the boy shoes. she is a girly girl but she still like her boots and she wears some boy clothes. and her 2 y/o boy cousin wears her old stuff



answers from Montgomery on

I'm big into hanging onto things. Especially baby stuff when your going to have another. The cost of those little shoes and the time they were them don't add up. I would hang onto them if you have the space. Not the mention you'll either buy new or used. I would prefer to wear my own used shoes vs someone elses.

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