All hard candy is a choking hazard for anyone of any age. It is also very bad for the teeth. The candy sits in the mouth for a longer period of time than a candy bar and the sugars have a better chance to start decay. Also candies like hard candy, taffy, even fruit roll-ups stick to the teeth and a quick rinse with water doesn't wash out the sugars.
So that being said....
It's perfectly okay to give a 3 yr old a candy cane or lollipop once in a while or during the holidays as long as someone is watching to make sure they don't break off a big enough peice to choke on.
side note:
Several years ago a friend of mine told a story about one of his sons as a baby. He was playing with a balloon and it broke, no one thought anything of it. They went on with their evening and everything seemed fine, middle of the night the baby has a fever and is quite sick so they run him to the ER. Turns out the baby inhaled a peice of the ballon into his nose when it broke and it got stuck and caused a severe infection.
As a Mom I learned something. I would never in a million yrs think a ballon could be a dangerous toy for a child. But is served as a cautionary tale for me, it's okay to let them play with a balloon but watch them.