You may try keeping a bottle of vitimine E oil around for the rug burns, scrapes, cuts and sunburn. Works great for most superficial skin injuries to heal faster and keep from scarring. I keep 2 bottles in the fridge, 10,000 IU and 20,000 IU. I first learned how well it works when a car radiator broke in my face after derving 10 hours in 100 degree weather in Phoenix,Az. I had 2nd degree burns across my face and chest which healed without scars. At first there were a couple but after 6-12 months they went away also. I had to apply it several times a day for that but for most things mornings and evenings is sufficient. For the past 25 years it has been a constant help for all sorts of things both with the kids and adults. For women expecially, it can help with preventing strech marks when pregnancy starts to have its effects. I understand that is one of the effects some women are concerned about, I know my childrens mother was. I do not intend that as criticism, rather as understanding. (Men can get self conscious about various things on their appearance also!) Anyway, it helps to speed healing and reduce or prevent scarring.