Revised Mary Kay Post

Updated on November 08, 2012
N.D. asks from Middletown, OH
4 answers

I apologize, I didn't realize that promoting my new business was against mamapedia's terms. I was a more active member under a different name in 2010 after my daughter was born, and I thought I remembered mamapedia encouraging moms to promote their businesses to other moms. So, either something has changed or I misunderstood.

So, this is a revised post, simply asking if there are any other Mary Kay ladies out there who would be willing to share experiences with me. I am brand new to selling marykay, but not totally brand new to the products. I've been thinking about doing marykay for a couple of years, and finally decided to give it a try. I would like to know how it is, or has worked out for you and why you think you got the results that you did (good or bad). I don't personally know anyone who is making money off of it, but I know there are people who do because I see the pink Cadillacs around. I'm wondering if being successful with something like this is rare, or if it is doable as long as the consultant does the work. Is there anyone who is able to live comfortably off of marykay, as your sole source of income?

...just trying to figure my life out, I didn't intend to upset anyone.

... and if anyone can tell me how to delete the other post, I would appreciate it, because I can't figure out how to do that...

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So What Happened?

Thanks ladies! I tried to do the business thing, but I have no idea what my mamapedia password is because I signed up for this account with my facebook. I cannot figure out what my password or e-mail would be. I've tried multiple times, and I've changed my facebook e-mail login and my password several times since opening this account. Can anyone help me with that?

So, since I can't promote, unless I make a new profile... which I really don't want to do....

I hope you all don't mind me posting the link to my website and my information here:


You can either place orders online, and have them shipped to you (free of charge, for right now) or you can e-mail your information to me, with your order.

I am trying to get as many orders as possible before Saturday night, Nov. 10 at 9 p.m. Of course, I' be happy to accept orders anytime, but I can't officially be an active consultant until i place my first inventory, which is what I hope to do on saturday... but there is a minimum amount that i have to purchase before it counts. I don't have that much moolah on hand, so I guess this is kind of a favor I'm asking for, and any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Ladies!

More Answers



answers from Austin on

Thank you for wanting to change your post....

The best way is to go back and "edit" your post, but just erase it all except a couple of dots, or just write a short apology.

There are ways you can endorse your business on the forum, and that would be if someone is asking about beauty products... then you can post about how you have used that product, or why you like it. There is also a place you can list your business, I believe.

Good luck!

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answers from Portland on

Mamapedia does support mom owned businesses. They have a place for advertising. On the top of this page you'll see a choice titled "Local Business."

There is no way to delete a post.

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answers from Houston on

I have no issue with your promoting your business. I have seen several Mary Kay Caddys--mostly the Dallas area. I had a teacher friend there who stopped teaching to do Avon fulltime for 2 years. She came back to teaching...

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answers from New York on

My neighbor sells Mary Kay. From what I can tell, she's not really making any "real money" doing so because she is still working full time (making great money). It's probably OK for "spending money", but she had to buy a TON of stuff to get started... plus she has to keep an "inventory"... plus there's a lot of pressure for her to go to the conventions and workshops, all of which cost $$.

In the last three weeks, she has tried to schedule several "events" at her home an has had to cancel. People either love the stuff or they don't. Most people DO NOT like retail parties, so you won't get many repeat customers, just lots of "one time buyers".

I would not rely on this as your sole income source. It's kind of a pyramid thing too... there are people above you and I think you earn a higher percentage per sale if there are representatives "below you".

The pink Cadillacs are few-and-far-between. We have 4 women in a 6 block radius who are representatives... none of them drive the shiny wheels.

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