You are so right about there being MANY options!! I love that (now) but it can seem overwhelming at first. I cloth diapered my first (11 years ago) with all the old pre-folds and covers and then by my 5th/6th kids there were so many options! We have 75 diapers (for 2 babies) ranging from BumGenius, FuzziBunz, Ebay diapers, gdiapers, etc. I personally like the pocket diapers for the ease and I wash every 2-3 days with that. The gdiapers (I use a prefold with them) can use the cover all day if needed so that reduces laundry. I will say that newborns can be tricky so don't let that discourage you! What I found to fit the best for newborns were Kissaluvs size 0 with a cover that had inner gussets(thirsties for example). I like snaps for longevity and so it doesn't rub on their bellies but for a better fit, velcro is good. Also, when the baby starts squirming through diaper changes, velcro is much quicker! :) Just a few (more) things to think about! :) Hope that helps!!