I would list the company you worked for and then list the positions chronologically starting with the most current.
ABC Company Springfield, MA 9/2001 - 9/2008
Team Manager
List duties - Enter lots of numbers here like how many you supervised, what was the dollar amount of the budget you were in charge of, did you save the company money? How much and how did you do it? Did you increase revenue? How? etc...
Same format as above
XYZ Company
Same format as above
Just list the company you were with for 3 months. Most won't think much of it because you were with your most recent company for 8 years. When asked about it say only positive things. If asked why you left tread carefully. Say things like "It just wasn't a good fit for me", "My previous company really wanted me back and I had enjoyed working for them. I took the new job because I was able to obtain a management position" things like that.
Put all important information (numbers like mentioned above and major achievements at the beginning of the list of duties. As an HR Director, I prefer the paragraph style for a resume. Like I showed in the first example. Duties separated by commas. Bullet points should not be used for every duty you had, it's redundant. Good luck!