Resources for a Friend in PA

Updated on March 31, 2012
N.G. asks from Arlington, TX
4 answers

A close friend of mine who lives in Pennsylvania has discovered a very painful lump in her left breast. Her husband has recently switched jobs so they are currently uninsured. They do not make much money at all, she has four children and they receive government assistance. Moms in Pennsylvania, are you aware of ANY state programs or free or low cost programs of any kind that she can turn to to get this checked out? She has a history of breast cancer in her family and she needs help right away.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Thank you!!!

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answers from Phoenix on

i think planned parenthood can help. also the susan g komen organization.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Pittsburgh on

If she has Medicaid, and she's near Pittsburgh, have her call The Early Detection and Prevention Center, partially supported by the Ladies Hospital Aid Society of western Pennsylvania (LHASWP).

From the website:

LHASWP provides comprehensive cancer prevention, early detection, screening and educational services. Persons undergo a thorough screening which includes the completion of a health assessment questionnaire that identifies risk factors; a physical examination, including a pelvic exam for women; and education counseling.

Based upon the person's age, gender, family history and physical examination, the staff may recommend additional cancer screening examinations. These may include fecal occult blood tests, mammography, flexible sigmoidoscopy, prostate-specific antigen blood test and Pap smears. Referrals to other medical resources are provided as needed. The Early Detection and Prevention Center also provides cancer screenings in the community via the Highmark Blue Cross "Healthplace on the Move" mobile facility.


She can check out:



answers from Dallas on

Most major cities have a toll free 2-1-1 number that you can call to find out about local resources. She should also call any local medical schools and see if they have a clinic to be evaluated. Good luck !



answers from Pittsburgh on

I believe Catholic Charities in Pittsburgh runs a free health care clinic.

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