Hi C.,
I'm sorry that you are going through a miscarriage. I had one in May. I bled heavy for a few days and then light for another 10 days or so. I was told not to use a tampon to let the blood clots clear out. It will depend if your doctor "helps you along" or if you wait for the gestational sack to clear on it's own. I waited. I had a friend whose doc scraped her and she bled just for a few days as the sack popped right out. Now, this is what I wasn't told, you don't have to get your period to get pregnant again. I was told as soon as I got my period we could try again. I never received my period, and took 2 pregnancy tests that came out negative. Then 11 weeks after my miscarriage I still hadn't gotten my period and went to the doctor's... I was pregnant again! Good luck and just keep practicing. :)