I had an emergency c-section with my first child.
My 2nd child was a scheduled c-section.
MY Ob/Gyn... schedules c-sections 2 weeks BEFORE the due date. This is so that you are not hitting it too close to the due date and are going through contractions/labor... because this can cause complications. And sometimes, a 2nd birth goes quicker and you may start going into labor/contractions and before they can even do a c-section, you may be giving birth already, vaginally. And... many hospitals do not allow VBAC's nor does insurance cover it. So you NEED to know this first as well.
Within this 2-week window for when my Doctor schedules c-sections, I then chose which date I wanted to have the surgery done.
With my first child/c-section... I had to have it done, because I did not dilate all the way.... thus, I had an emergency c-section because otherwise it would compromise my daughter.... my water had already been broken etc., and I was NOT dilating. Although they tried to induce me. But I did not feel like I was ripped off. Medically... the stability of my baby... my daughter not coming out and my water being broken and my not dilating and their monitoring of her vitals.... warranted it being a c-section. They tried to induce me, they tried to wait it out... but in the end... it was not happening and I had to have a c-section.
My OB/GYN is a long time highly respected Doctor... he has had patients rupture.... and hemorrhage. If this happens, it then compromises the health/life of the Mom and the baby.... and this is then an emergency situation of course.
all the best,