Regular Periods After Childbirth

Updated on August 28, 2008
K.R. asks from Bellevue, WA
23 answers

My youngest child will be 1 year old next month. She is breastfed. I still have not had a period yet. With my 3-year-old, I got my period when he was about 6 months old. He was also breastfed. I don't feel my baby is eating any more/less than my son did at the same age. I actually took a pregnancy test the other day just because I was curious about it. Has anyone else experienced this?

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answers from Eugene on

My son is 6 weeks away from his first birthday and I have yet to get a period. I read something the other day that many breastfeeding moms don't get their periods until their babies are 18 months. I think it really varies for everyone.



answers from Seattle on

With my older daughter, I got my period back at 8 months postpartum and she was barely starting to eat solid foods. I got pregnant at 11 months (with one period between 8 months and getting pregnant - so, super-long periods) and I still haven't gotten my period back (nor am I pregnant - I just tested this past week) though my younger daughter is nearly 14 months old.

I'm just enjoying not having to worry about it :)


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answers from Seattle on

It's totally normal. I didn't have any periods for one year after my son was born because I was breast feeding him. My period did not return until after I quit. Now with my daughter, my period returned around the 5 month time even though I was breast feeding her.
Give your Ob a call if you think there is something weird. They can reassure you or can have you go in for a blood test (to determine if you are pregnant). Hope this helps.



answers from Eugene on

Yes it is normal. I did't have a period for 21 months...9 months of pregnancy and 12 months of breastfeeding. I started the month after I weaned my daughter on her 1st birthday. So, no worries. Every pregnancy...and body is different. Just "enjoy" it. :)



answers from San Francisco on

With my 1st & 2nd children I got my period back at exactly 10 months and was pregnant again right away. =) With my third child, I did not get my period back until she was almost 15 months old. I was on edge for several months thinking I should be getting it back any time and constantly worrying that maybe I was already pregnant again. I think this is completely normal and you will probably be getting it back in the next few months especially if you start weaning.



answers from Seattle on

Both my boys nursed frequently. I did not have a period for about 18 months after each birth. It was great!



answers from Portland on


your cycle can return at any point. It really has nothing to do with how much each child breastfed, and it usually is different with each baby, and with each individual woman, and that woman's hormonal axis. Just another thing to note and admire how different each of our children are, and how amazing our bodies respond!

Mommy & M.D.



answers from Seattle on

Yeah I have. With my son it didn't start until after he was weaned at a little over a year old. But with my daughter since she ate so much baby food also it started around 7 mos. Just enjoy not having it for as long as possible.



answers from Richland on

Hey there. With my first, I didn't get my period until he was about 13 months old, at which point we had decided to try for our second. I only ended up with one period then was pregnant again. #2 is currently 10 months old and nursing (1st nursed until 15 months) and I haven't gotten my period back yet. My friends are kind of all over the board on when they got theirs back no matter how much they nursed. Nothing to worry about. Just be happy not to have to deal with that right now. =)



answers from Portland on

Hi K.,
I am experiencing the same thing. My son is 8 months old and I expected to have my periods back by now.With my daughter I got my periods back pretty much 4 weeks after my post-birth bleeding stoped(bummer, I know). Both children were breastfed. The only difference is my daughter started sleeping through the night at 2 months old and my son wakes 2-3 times a night to nurse. I get a bit paranoid sometimes and wonder if I could be pregnant again already.
I do know it is completely normal to go a year without getting your period.



answers from Portland on

it is differen with each child just be glad that you do not have to deal with your period and look at it as a blessing!!



answers from Seattle on

With my oldest, my period came back when she was 6 months even though I was still breastfeeding (even in the night!). When I had my second, though, my period didn't come back until he was 26 months (still nursing) - Yup, a full three years w/o periods. It's just different each time.



answers from Portland on

It seems to vary, but it could be you are ovulating even though you haven't had a period. With my first son, my period started at 9 months, ovulation uncertain. But with my second, I knew alot more. I started ovulating at 9 months but my period didn't start til 11 months. Mine are breastfed too. I've known ladies who go for years without having a period. Crazy.

Actually, BC pills have horrible side effects. I would stay away from them. There are tons of books on watching your ovulation. I would look into that if you don't want to get pregnant so soon!



answers from Portland on

Mine came back at 9mo with my first and 15mo with my second.



answers from Portland on

I went 23 months without a period, but when I decided I needed to check on things, I found I was anemic. As soon as I started taking iron, I got my period about 2 weeks later. :)



answers from Portland on

Hi K.
I didn't get my period back till my daughter was 15 months old. So yes, you can go that long without a period. However, I was told once that this is about when the hormones change and you can get pregnant. My friend also went 15 months without a period and turns out she was pregnant but, it just had happened around that time.



answers from Seattle on

Hi K.,
I had this same thing happen with both of my children. For my older son, I was on BC pills and I thought that was what delayed my periods. However, for my daughter I was not on BC pills and I still did not get my period until I started weaning her from night-time feedings. I am sure you are normal, do not worry.
Take care,



answers from Seattle on

Being a mom with 8 grown sons. I nursed every one of them. My first one I had periods so hard from after the first month. The second none until I quit nursing. the same with number three, No periods. But I did get pregnant when he was four months old and didn't realize I was expecting until I went in for a checkup. The other five no periods up to the time I quit I quit nursing two years later. so I think it just depends on your systems and hormones. some women will resume with periods after a few months and others won't. But don't believe the old wives tale you can't get pregnant while nursing. Been there done that.
My sons were all healthy except for haveing allergies to anything except breast milk.
I sure saved a lot on sanitary supplies. So all women aren't alike.



answers from Seattle on

I got my period about 4 months into breastfeeding. Other moms don't get it the whole time. It just depends on your body. If you've had it and then you don't, I would definitely do a pregnancy test. My doctors advised me to be on birth control even though breastfeeding because you never know when you're ovulating.



answers from Portland on

With my first daughter, my period came back at 10 months. With my second daughter it didn't come back until 18 months. You're totally normal :)



answers from Portland on

Hi K.,
I didn't have my period for 2.5 years after my daughter was born! I only breastfed until she was 9 months and my period still didn't come back! Anyway, after lots of pregnancy tests and various other tests at my ob/gyn's suggestion, I'm fine. I just started getting my period again and it is basically the same as before I got pregnant. Sorry not to have more insight, just wanted you to know you aren't alone!



answers from Portland on

My period came back when my son was 12 months old. You're still well within a normal realm.



answers from Eugene on

Hi K.,
Every pregnancy is different, and so your hormone levels may be a little different each time as well. With our first, I didn't start my period again until about 6 months after I stopped breastfeeding! So, she was 15months. Some of my friends that weaned earlier got their periods back earlier, but most of us were between 12mo and 18mo post-delivery. Try to enjoy it while it lasts, but if you are worried, I'm sure it's something your doctor can check into easily enough.

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