Congratulations! I had a breast lift and tummy tuck about 5 years ago--it was one of the best decisions of my life. Your body changes so much while pregnant and as you age, it's nice to have a few procedures to help you feel a little better about yourself once you're all done having children.
First off, I recommend taking arnica montana. It's an herb (I think) that you can get at quality health food stores. I think I even saw it at Lunds or Byerly's, but it will be much more expensive there. It helps your body deal with trauma and helps with the swelling.
Also, do you have someone to help you take care of your kids? If you can, I'd have someone help with the kids for a week. For the first couple of days, you're pretty much in bed. Also, you are slumped over a little bit because of the tummy tuck. I didn't feel the recovery was that bad. You just have to realize that it's major surgery and follow dr's orders. The drainage tubes are no big deal either. You can do it! Just keep in mind the end result! You're going to feel so much better about your body and wear some different types of clothes. How about a two-piece swim suit?!
I'm assuming you've had at least one consultation with a plastic surgeon. If you haven't, get one scheduled. Also, is your weight where you want it to be? So if you have those 2 things done, think about when you want the surgery and get it scheduled so you can do it when you are ready and not have to wait for 3 months or whatever.
I'd be happy to stay in contact with you to answer questions and just chat if you like. I'm very excited for you.
Best wishes,