Recipes Needed for Child with Allergies.

Updated on November 07, 2007
J.S. asks from Lake in the Hills, IL
6 answers

A couple of months ago we took our 8 month old son to the dermatologist for his excema. He suggested at the time to also get some blood work done to see if he had any allergies that could be causing flare ups with his excema. Come to find out he is allergic to Wheat, Soy, Egg Whites, and P-Nuts. While that is great that we found out what causes his flare ups it also difficult to find things that he can eat. Before is was easier because he was still eating baby food but now that he is 13 months old it is getting more difficult to find things for him to eat. I am sure he is geting sick of baked chicken and broccoli. We have been to whole foods and thank god for that place but it is still hard to try to switch it up for him so he can try diffrent foods. I am looking for some advise ofn where to find recipes that I can make fo him.

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answers from San Diego on

There is a book out there that you can buy on Amazon and I'm sure in bookstores. Good luck and know there are recipes out there for your child and whole family! :)

Sophie-Safe Cooking: A Collection of Family Friendly Recipes That are Free of Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soy, Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Fish and Shellfish (Paperback)
by Emily Hendrix (Author)

List Price: $16.95
Price: $16.95 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25. Details

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answers from Chicago on

We found out my son is allergic to the same things except he can have soy but allergic to dairy. He is 2 1/2 now but we found out when he was about 12 months for the same reason - ezcema. I'm also a FT working mom and have another son that is 4 so it wasn't easy finding foods that both could have. It is amazing what Whole Foods carries. They have very "normal" kid food like wheat free macaroni and cheese, wheat free, egg free chicken nuggets, breakfast bars, cheese, cereal, cookies. You name it and there probably is a substitute at Whole Foods. They even have bread although my son never liked it. Some of his favorite meals has been brown rice pasta or potato pasta with peas and either chicken or chicken sausage. Whole Foods is a great place to get meal ideas.

Good luck. It isn't easy but experiment with him to find out what he likes. Email me if you need anything or just an ear.


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answers from Chicago on

I did some googling and I came across these sites. (This one has an interesting animal cracker recipe)

This is an interesing site, and it does have a few recipes.

These are just a handful of sites that I found. I'm sure that you can find more recipes and resources if you did your own search.

Happy hunting.


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answers from Chicago on

I am sorry to hear of another person out there dealing with this. My husband is allergic to wheat and spelt and it is hard enough! I only make stuff for the family that he can eat. It just is not fair to the one who can't eat these things to eat the stuff in front of him or her. So for starters I would suggest changing the way you eat altogether. If you're out without him fine, but in the house I would keep it to his diet. That's just my approach, take it or leave it. With the recipes, I just tell people all the time and ask for recipes like crazy. I also got a lot online. I feel so bad cause I know how hard it is. Luckily some allergies can fade with time in kids so there is a chance that he will not always be allergic to all of those things. With adults there is very little chance of it going away. It is very frustrating for me with cooking and it is even more frustrating to my husband who can't eat anything. I recently made a gluten free cake that was amazing and my husband said he couldn't tell the difference! So there is stuff out there. Its just a matter of finding it. Wild Oats has books on it too if you want to get some. I was not that impressed with the stuff I found. I found more info online. I make A LOT of potatoes and rice noodles and quinoa. I feel very limited. I hope you have better luck than me and I hope this is not as annoying for your family as it is for ours. I know you probably were looking for more support and unfortunately I am more in the need for support on this one! I wish you luck and all my best wishes for success with this! Good luck!!!



answers from Chicago on

I used to prepare chicken nuggets for my nephew with a wheat allergy. I crushed rice crispies for the crunch. Just moisten chicken with milk then roll in crushed rice crispies. Bake.

You can also make meatloaf(probably more suitable to a 13 month old) with dry Oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs...skip the egg.



answers from Chicago on

Hi J.,
I also have kids with allergies and know how frustrating it is. I just wrote an allergen-free snacks and goodies cookbook and am taking it to the printer this week. My website,, should be up in about a week, and I'll have a recipe on there for you to get started with. In the meantime, you can use 1/4 cup applesauce mixed with 1/4 teaspoon baking powder for an egg replacer in baked goods. I've had really good results with that. Oat flour is a good substitute for wheat flour in muffins and cookies. I'm sure you've seen Enjoy Life products, but just in case, they're really great for peace of mind foods. Good luck! K.

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