Reasonably Priced Housecleaner for West County Home

Updated on October 20, 2008
C.E. asks from Ballwin, MO
4 answers

I have a two-story house with a finished basement that I can't keep clean, since just having a baby girl. Anyone have a good reference on someone who is trustworthy and reasonably priced?

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answers from St. Louis on

Hi C., I'm not sure how far Kathy goes, but I know a WONDERFUL cleaning woman and she truly is the best!! Her home is totally spotless and I've personally seen homes she's done and they are also spotless! SHe is reasonably priced and very reliable. Her name is Kathy Patrick ###-###-####. Let her know what L. Sent you. I'll email her to let her know you may be calling. Good luck with your search!



answers from St. Louis on

I live in West County and use a woman named Kay Mathews. Her number is ###-###-####. She is very dependable, never misses a time. She and her daughter come every time and are very respectful. They have the code to my house and come and go while I'm out with my kids. I've popped in a couple of times while they're here, and they're always working. We have an average-sized 2 story house (no finished basement) and pay $85. I'm not sure what the going rate is, but..I went through 3 people before her that never came consistently, or missed things, so it's worth it to me. She comes every 2 weeks, and it's a life-saver. So worth it! I just spot clean in between and enjoy my kids the rest of the time. I think she does weekly, bi-montly, or just one time cleaning.



answers from St. Louis on

I highly recommend Linda's Crystal Kleen, LLC. Their phone numbers are ###-###-#### & ###-###-####. They are fully insured and bonded. Linda is a neighbor of mine and I am sure she can provide any references you may need. Linda's prices are very resonable and does a fantastic job!



answers from St. Louis on

My mom has her own cleaning business & she also cleans my house (for pay of course!). She is fast & thorough, but well worth whatever she charges. She's also on this site, but her name is Dee ###-###-####. You also have the option of using non-toxic cleaners.

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