What does your daughter LIKE to read?
I would suggest some classics: Austen is fine, but will she get all of the references of the era? I read Jane Eyre and Little Women around that age, but loved them more later on, when I could read them with more context.
I agree with talking to the libarian. You want rich literature without language that's overly-dated.... for example, I loved Thackeray's "A Vanity Fair", but needed the footnotes to fill in the blanks. So, if you do go for a classic, make sure there are good notes to go with it.
I'm of the belief that reading should be fun. Does she like the older "Little House" books? Would she be interested in reading an actual biography on Mrs. Wilder? Or perhaps Willa Cather's stories? Biographies on her favorite authors would be rich as well.
Librarian time!