I would have her go to a hand/elbow specialist (ortho surgeon)...my husband had some issues with that type of thing (he was a pitcher and also played football)...and his ended up being something along the lines of ulnar tunnel syndrome...where your ulnar nerve is compressed at the elbow. Look that up, but the symptoms sound similar. It can be caused by a lot of diff things...and injury to soft tissues is one of them. If that nerve is compressed in the ulnar tunnel it can send pin-pricks down to the fingers and up to the shoulder. If general things they try first don't work, they can go in and move the nerve (translocation) to another area of the arm where it won't be getting hit or pinched...usually to the inside part under the muscle....or they have some other things they can do to open up the space a bit. I will leave off the details so as to not freak you out, but you can look them up. MOst of these surgeries (if even needed) are fairly routine to most of these specialists now. Maybe this isn't her issue, but I thought I'd give you one thing to research and ask the doc about. They can do a nerve conduction test to test for it, among other things. My hubby is in nursing school so he is my source of med info. :) Hope that helps!