Rate Daycare in Clear Lake

Updated on July 28, 2005
B. asks from Houston, TX
4 answers

I am going back to work and would like some advice on the day care centers in the clear lake area. Do you have any recommendations.

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answers from Houston on

hi B. this is C. well i do know of two daycares one is treehouse learning center in leaguecity i use to work there a while back the number is ###-###-####. the child care center childrens world is also a nice one there is one on clear lake city blvd, and one of elcamino. if i can help further please let me know. C.



answers from Houston on

I meant to put that I would not recommend the daycare I mentioned before to you. Sorry, it made my post confusing.



answers from Houston on

I'm new to the area as well, am also a teacher and am looking for child care! I found a place called Children's World, and they had one where we used to live. THEY WERE AWESOME in Norman, Oklahoma, so I don't see why they wouldn't be in Houston. I am going by there on Monday to check it out -- www.childrensworld.com
They're pretty reasonable too, compared to the prices of other day cares in the area.



answers from Houston on

HI B., To be Honest I only know of one in Clear Lake area. Its called Great beginnings, its located inside Grace Community Church off of Clear Lake city Blvd. I knwo of 2 I like in La Porte off of Fairmont Pwky One is called the Peanut Gallery I worked there almost 9 years ago but the same workers are there and I liked it then and my friends daughters still go there and she is as picky as I am. LOL And there is also Funcare Children Center and I worked there for around 4 years and I always liked everyone there and how the owner/ director ran things. Small staff/child ratios too at this one. Of course I have had 9 years experience in childcare and in about 1 or 2 years I want to open a child care center but for now im starting it off in my home. It will be brekfast, lunch, 2 snacks, and will be structured and lots of fun learning. I am in college in my last 1 1/2 to 2 years of it and getting my bachelors in Science For teaching 4th-8th.My mother is a teacher as well. I livein a quiet and nice naeighbor hood. I have high values and morals. I have had a lot of training hours behind me as well. It will be structured and fun. I have references as well. Just food for thought. I hope I have helped atleast a little B.. Have a great day!!

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