Hey - instead of retyping them I am adding a link to when this was asked awhile back :)
HTH - hope this helps
Pretty new here, and while I like hearing other's opinions on topics because they help so much, I am lost to what most of the abbreviations used mean. M-I-L i get, but would anybody mind filling me in on the rest of the slang that I am too clueless to figure out lol.......
Thanks everyone! It really helps knowing what everyone is talking about. =)
Hey - instead of retyping them I am adding a link to when this was asked awhile back :)
HTH - hope this helps
FWIW - for what it's worth
JFF - just for fun
IMO - In my opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
TIA - thanks in advance
BTW - by the way
SMH - shake my head
MIL/FIL/SIL/DIL/ - Mother in law, Father, Sister (or son depending upon sentence) and Daughter
LO - little one
SO - significant other
LOL - laugh out loud
BF - breast feeding, best friend or boy friend - depends on sentence
I'll find my list and add on.
ETA - edited to add
DH/DD/DS - Dear husband, daughter, son
MYOB - mind your own business
WWYD - what would you do
TTC - trying to conceive
Whenever I come across a new acronym, I look it up here:
DD Darling Daughter
DS Darling Son
DH Darling Husband
thanks for asking this. I was going to too!
I totally agree with you!!! I've been a member of this community for 4 years and I STILL don't get the slang!
I do love reading the blogs and the q's and a's, and have gotten valuable information from a lot of the other mamas and papas, which I am very grateful for. This is a wonderful spot to visit...I just wish I could understand every post, every time ;)
SS step son
SD step dtr
GL = Good Luck
TIA = Thanks in Advance
I think all the others got covered:)