Hi V.,
I actually just had an emergent laparoscopy for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy last Wednesday. A little of my back story... My 3 yr old was conceived via IVF. We really wanted to grow our family, but again with no luck on our own, we opted to try a frozen embryo transfer this past May that was unsuccessful. I had mentally started convincing myself that another baby might not be in the cards. I had a really strange period that started at the end of July and lasted off and on (spotting) until the weekend before the ectopic occurred. Needless to say, I had no idea I was pregnant! So, now I am working with only my right tube. The laparoscopy itself wasn't bad. They went in through my belly button and I have 2 tiny incisions on the lower part of my abdomen, one on either side. I never spotted at all afterwards. I am a little over a week post-op and generally feel back to normal. Just a little soreness if I sit a certain way. My follow-up with my OB was yesterday. She talked to me about trying to get pregnant again and she sounded very optimistic. She had a pt in another state where she worked that was being followed post ectopic and on Clomid to have another baby. They were monitoring which ovary she would ovulate from. One month she ovulated from the side that had no tube left and they thought that month was a wash, but poof, she got pregnant. My Dr wasn't sure if the smidgen of a tube she had left picked up the egg somehow or if it may have even ventured over to the other side and the good tube picked it up. Who knows? But that story alone gives me hope. I didn't think I could get pregnant at all, so now that I know I can, I am trying to be optimistic that it can happen again. I wish you the best of luck and hope that you get to add to your family very soon!!!