Yes, the supplies are for all in the pre-k and kindergarten age bracket. As your child progresses through school more and more items are individual versus class in nature.
Here is the thing. The federal government's money only stretches so far...we have seen this in how the teachers have to fight for every penny they earn at negotiations, and are still among the lowest paid profession in the nation...we've seen this in how many schools have to cut back on offering as wide a variety of electives for older students. We've seen this in how our children's school supplies list has grown to include things many of us (and our parents) took for granted as always being provided by the scool for our children's education.
If you think rationally about it. When you are at home, do you let your child keep all of her art supplies, pencils, crayons, scissors, etc where she can get into them without supervision and whenever she so chooses? Most of us do not. Add to that 15 to 18 mor children you are caring for at the same time with one other person there to help you keep and eye on things, keep them running smoothly, and keep them imagine trying to spend the time finding and making sure each child gets the crayon box with his/her name on it, or the pencils that were purchased just for them??
Imagine even more trying to keep the fighting of 15 - 20 students to a minimum when little "Susie's" mom and dad were able to afford a package of crayons with better looking colors in it than say little "Sallie's" versus putting all crayons out of the boxes into one bin in the center of a table for 4 -5 kids to share out of.
Please try and understand that at this age this is actually highly appropriate and most likely things you would do in your own home to keep the peace between siblings...
It helps the children to be independent without feeling inferior to one another because someone has "better" than someone else. Most likely, most of the children, if not all when get a chance with the "better" scissors. (and I put the word better in quotations because 4, 5 , and 6 year olds have a much different definition for this than we adults them the "better" scissors might be ones that are sparkly purple even if they don't cut very well)
It helps them learn to share and be tolerant of one another in a large classroom setting.
Having been on my soap box, I will say I have been in your position and have felt EXACTLY the same way...What I did to give myself a happy medium is purchase a couple of items with my child's name on them for her to use that she kept in her back pack and explained asking her teacher if she could use them. I also had a couple for her to use at home. I will tell you, the items in the backpack (that the teacher ALWAYS had foreknowledge about) was left in pristine shape...the reason??? my child preferred sharing with her classmates.
I just wanted to give you another perspective to look at the situation from...Hope I did not offend anyone int he process...
Good Luck and congratulations on this huge step in your child's growth!!! ;-)