I was told by my doctor that you can get a false negative but not a false positive so it is safe to assume you are pregnant. Congrats
I just took 2 home pregnancy tests and both came back positive. m question is is there anything that could make this false?abnormal reading i guess one would call it??
i just called the doctor and they made an appointment for march the 10th...this is a great thing. and thanks for responding.
I was told by my doctor that you can get a false negative but not a false positive so it is safe to assume you are pregnant. Congrats
I think if you've tried two different tests and they both show positive, you are pregnant. Do you have other signs of pregnancy? You could also try calling a pharmacist at CVS or something and ask them if something else other than pregnancy could cause you to test positive.
Stay-at-Home Mom/Home-Educator-Mom
I would say that since you took 2 and they both can back positive, you're pregnant. If you want to make sure, take another test from a different brand. Good Luck!
From what I understand from my friend who is an OBGYN, false negatives are not unusual, esp. early on, but positives are almost always positive. The test they give you at the doctor's office is basically the same stuff in the home tests. With my second child, I had took two tests at home and one at the doctor's office that were all negative, but I KNEW I was pregnant. Sure enough, I was back in the doctor's office a week later with a positive test. Hope this is good news for you. Take care.
I am fairly certain that you are indeed pregnant. Your HCG levels must be a certain level before a home pregnancy tests shows a positive. You could have a false negative but rarely if ever would you get a false positive. I suggest you call your ob-gyn for a serum or blood HCG test to find out for sure. Good luck!
it will only show up positive if it really is positive
Sounds like you might be pregnant. There are usually more false negatives than false positives. I'd go to your doctor and get an official test to be sure.
In my opinion there are only false negatives, not false positives. But the true, 100%, for sure way to know is to make a doctors appt and have them do a test there. No matter what happens, just remember that it will all work out!! Good luck!!
The only thing that I have ever heard of that would make a prenancy test come up is a tumor that was causing release of the hormone hCG. Most likely, you are pregnant so congratulations! I also just found out I'm pregnant, due 09/15/08.
False positives usually never happen. It's looking for the hormone HCG and your body only produces it when you are pregnant. I hope this news finds you joy and not disappointment. Good Luck!!!
I don't think so. you could have a false negative reading if you took it too early which has happened to me but positive is positive. Congratulations!
this is just what ive heard... its possible to get a false negative but not possible to get a false positive b/c the hormone that makes that little plus sign show up has to be there. CONGRATS MOMMA!
Hi S.,
When I was pregnant with my older daughter (she's 14 now) I asked my OB/GYN the same question. She said that you can get a false negative from home pregnancy tests, but rarely a false positive because the test 'looks' for a specific hormone (I can't remember the name) that only shows up when you're pregnant.
Yep, I'm w/the other moms you're probly pregnant.
There is no such thing as a "false" positive. It is pretty safe to say that you are expecting. Congratulations!
sounds like you're prego, congrats!
it's more common to get a false negative(it's says you're not, but you really are preggo). if you took, tests and they both say positive, then you probably are. congrats.
I would say you are prego! Those tests are so acurate these days...congrats :)
It's really hard to have a false positive on a pregnancy test. The only thing I know of that can do it is if you took an HCG injection to ovulate. And if you did, but it's been two weeks since the injection, then it's still probably a true positive.
Hi Stacie,
It is unlikely that you would get a false Positive. When a pregnancy test is positive, it's detecting a hormone level in your body that is only elevated when your pregnant. I would get in with your doctor if you'd like a more conclusive test like a blood test.
M. S
I think the directions for those tests say there are a few medications that can cause a false positive, but it's rare and usual. Or maybe it's a false negative. Not sure. It would be best to read the fine print.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get a false positive. You can get a false negative, but not a false positive!! Therefore, you are pregnant. The only thing that makes a pregnancy test show positive is a hormone that is ONLY in your body when you are pregnant, therefore your body cannot fake that hormone. On the flip side, if you are newly pregnant - sometimes the hormone is not detected by the test and it would give you a false negative. Make sense?!?! Hope this helped. Congrats!!
I was always told they will read a false negative but not a false positive. I do not produce high levels of the pregnancy hormone so mine always read negative I have to have blood work then after pregnancy is confirmed I have to have blood work every 24 hrs and ultra sounds every week. I have been told that by 6 Dr's I hope this helps.
There IS such thing as a false positive. I just had one last month, I would wait til you've missed a period then go to your doctor. But that was only with one test, i didn't take two.
False positives are extremely rare. Call your doctor for confirmation testing there.
Now a days pregnancy tests are pretty accurate. I know they suggest you take it in the AM. Your OB can take a blood test, but they also trust home preg tests. Looks like your daughter is going to be a big sister!
I have a cousin who is in Med school to become an OB. I had the same question about 12 months ago. She told me that it's almost impossible to get a false positive pregnancy test, and to have 2 of them...I doubt that you're not pregnant. So, congratulations! P.S. I had that question 12 months ago and I now have a 4 month old baby girl!