My second daughter has had a hard time with potty training and we have gone through every configuration possible, pull-ups, training pants, underwear, etc. While cleaning up a pee accident in underwear or training pants is not a big deal, it is a big deal to clean up a poop accident and wearing underwear/training pants before she was poop-trained was very traumatic for her. Soo, we started putting her in pull-ups that opened on the sides until she pooped and then switched over to underwear for the rest of the day until it was time for her next poop, then did the switch again. Pooping became much less traumatic doing it this way and as she learned to use the potty to pee, she became more comfortable with the idea and eventually started pooping on the potty as well. Now we have her in underwear all day and pull-ups at night. She is far from being night trained, so I have a feeling we will be using them for a while.
There is nothing easy about potty training when your child is having a hard time figuring it out. Just be patient and try out several scenarios until you find one that works for both of you. There is no one right way, except for the way that works best for you!
Wish your daughter good luck for me!