My younger daughter is in private school and my older daughter went to public school. Both in the state of Nevada.
The school are not wonderful here, however, we live in a good area of the school district.
As I am sure you are aware, it depends on the private school and then the teacher. Not all private schools are bad. This is our daughter's third year in priv school and so far everything has been good. If I had to rank the years so far, I would say first grade was not the best. Her grades were not wonderful and I didn't care for the teacher. Not her personality, but I just didn't feel she captured my daughters attention. There were a few complaints from our daughter about not understanding and the lines of communication, but overall, she thought her teacher was pretty cool.
This year, we have recently had our P/T conference and felt the teacher gave some good suggestions and our daughter seems to be keeping up pretty well. So far, the teacher has answered all of our questions and we have an open line of communication via email.
So overall, we don't have any complaints. As for first grade, it could have just been a maturity level for our daughter and lack of experience for the teacher. She had been teaching for about 4 or 5 years.
As for homeschooling, I think that is a huge responsibility, beyond parenting. My belief is that kids or everyone for that matter learn from several different people. So our daughter learns from us, her school teachers, the priest, her coaches, her friends, television, and reading. There are just some things I could not teach or times that I cannot get the point across to my own child.
I am not an ice skater, but I will look things up online and show her (haha), she will tell me to stop because it is ridiculous. As well, last year I tried to assist her with reading. It seemed easy enough to me because I know how to read. The teacher tried too and so did the special reading teacher. It didn't work. We put her in Kumon and she can read. Whatever we were doing, it was not working. If I were homeschooling, I don't know what I would do when I hit that wall.
As for my older daughter who went to public school, she wishes she went to private school, however, she is smart and talented. She makes good money at what she does and excels when the opportunity comes about.