Have you heard of Northside Parents Network (NPN). I joined this primarily to find a nanny that come recommended from other family (rather than having a nanny call me looking for a job through something like Craigslist.com). But now I use NPN for so many other things. The discussion board has given me support so many times when I have been struggling with how to do naptimes, if my son might have reflux, etc. etc.
Anyway, we just hired a nanny that I think will be amazing and it was from a mom that responded to my post on the discussion board when I posted I needed a PT nanny T and Th. She was helping her new nanny fill her other available days.
So you might want to look into it. $50 for a year membership, but I am also starting with a play group from it, so I find it well worth more than $50!!
Good luck on your search.