You can buy a soft chin strap online. I found a fleece sleeve that slips over a chin strap of any helmet. My kids love it! It is called "Chinskin" & you can find it on Google.
I have five grand kids (ages 2 to 12) we take to the ski slopes and have to continually adjust helmet chin straps! At the end of the day someone always seems to have some kind of chaffing or sore on their chinny chin chin! This weekend I ran out of handkerchiefs that I was wrapping around the chin straps for the little ones (the 12 and 8 year old were too cool for the Grammy wrap - but had some redness around their chins too) Anyone out there with a solution? Spring is about here and I am going to have to put helmets on when we start biking, and skating, and roller blading; baseball, football, soccer and riding on the back of Granpa's Harley!! Remember when their parents were young we just threw them in the back seat and told them to hold on!!!! The HELMET for EVERYTHIN is new to this 65 year old Grammy. Thanks for any help!!
Wow the suggestions were helpful particularly the CHIN SKIN suggestion from Kristine. I did Google Chin Skin and ended up buying some for my grand kids' helmets and what a wonderful protection for their little chins/faces! One mom had said that if someone could come up with an idea they would make Zillions - and I do believe this little company has hit the nail on the head or in this case covered the chin with protection! The little piece of "Chin skin" just slips over the helmet's chin strap and snuggles up to their chins - no rubbing, no scratching! My husband is ordering some for his motor and other bike helmets! Thank you everyone for your ideas and thank you Chin Skin......this grammy is very grateful!
You can buy a soft chin strap online. I found a fleece sleeve that slips over a chin strap of any helmet. My kids love it! It is called "Chinskin" & you can find it on Google.
You can probably buy or make a chin strap pad. Some soft cloth with velcro attached so you can wrap it around the straps and secure it with velcro, with the velcro side out. Something similar to the shoulder strap pads they put in most car seats.
Here are some examples although it's hard to see how some of them go on from the pictures:
Maybe try glide sold at sports or running stores. I used it when I did a triathlon to prevent chafing around my sports bra area. It is great! I think it is about 10 dollars.
Usually helmets come with little pads to adjust the fit perfectly...the helmets shouldn't really be moving around all that much, right?
Have the kids been properly fitted in the helmets and had them adjusted?
Sometimes Kohl's has a day where pros do that for free.
Otherwise, invent something! You'd probably make a zillion!