Proper Diet for 10 Month Old

Updated on March 16, 2010
S.R. asks from Happy Valley, OR
9 answers

Since a 10 month old shouldn't have cows milk before 1 yr. old, how about Goat's milk and cottage cheese?

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answers from Portland on

I used goats milk for my daughter until she was about 15m old because she was sensative to cows milk (gave her bad gas) and it worked great. She loved it and we could buy it at Fred Meyer. We then tried regular milk at 15m and she no longer had any problem with it so we switched to whole milk which she still drinks. As for cottage cheese, I didn't feed her any until she was around 18m, mostly because we just don't usually have it around the house.

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answers from Miami on

The reason babies aren't supposed to have milk before a year is because doctors don't want you replacing formula or breast milk with cow milk. Babies still need the nutrition they get from breast milk or formula. At 10 months, barring any allergies, she can totally do cottage cheese, yogurt, even regular cheese. She can have stuff that's cooked with milk (if she's not allergic to the other ingredients). Goat's milk should be fine too, but I don't think it's necessary. I've heard goat's milk is supposed to be the closest to human milk so that's why I imagine it's fine. HTH!



answers from Anchorage on

I know they say to wait till 12 months, but at 11 months I started mixing cow's milk in with my sons formula so he would be ready for the switch. I did not start cheese and the like until after one, but my son had issues with the textures of items like cottage cheese, if there is not texture issue I think it is fine at this point, as is plain yogurt. Any concerns, just call your doc. Make sure if this is the first time you are introducing dairy you give him a very small amount and wait a day to see what happens. If he is lactose intolerant and you give him a large amount he could get very sick (my nephew ended up in the hospital) so just give him 2 or 3 small bites, and then wait a day to see how it affects him.



answers from Spokane on

We are currently living abroad and they have baby servings of custard here - made with real cream. We only give our little girl some of this on occassion, but she loves it and has no reaction to it...she is 9 mos. old. I was also given info from our pediatrician in the US that we can give her cottage cheese, mild cheeses and egg yolk...I'm not sure about goats milk though!



answers from Seattle on

cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt are all okay.

your baby still needs breastmilk (or formula if you're not breastfeeding)



answers from Topeka on

I would say that this is a question for a pediatrician. Personally I don't see what the difference would be, because your main concern ( I think) is the possiblities of causing allergies and also the ability of a 10 month old to get proper nutrition from cows milk. Whatever you decide to introduce to your child should be done slowly and one item at a time so you don't have any problems knowing if she is reacting to something new in her diet.



answers from Youngstown on

just stick with the usual as you only have 2 months till they are 1 yr. old. What's the big rush?



answers from Seattle on

Says who? You could give a child milk from a sipper cup to go along with a meal. A full 8 oz bottle of cow's milk, talk with your pediatrician. Many Moms were serving cows milk in bottles for decades prior to the advent of the 31 versions of powdered and liquid formulas that fill the aisles of your favorite store. Goat's milk is the closest in consistency of human breast milk, so or self-homoginized. My great-uncle told me stories of my Dad being fed goat's milk when my grandmother weaned my him from the breast. It's good stuff. Goat cheese is good, I love feta... but as with any new food, you need to introduce it slowly and watch for any reactions.

Your baby is eating more and more solids/pureed foods. Their intake of 'milk' in any form will diminish as other foods are consumed. Again, talk with your doctor.



answers from Seattle on

Goats milk... no, only formula or breast milk till age one. Cottage cheese... yes as long as you don't have histories of milk alergies in your family. Thats per my Dr anyway.

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