Honestly at a garage sale I am not willing to spend more then $2 on an outfit, and those are nice ones like dresses and two piece set. To me name brand should not play a huge part in it, yes I know it is "nicer" stuff but it is a garage sale. On a very RARE occasion I will pay $5 for a REALLY NICE outfit but I usually do not have more then $20 on myself when I go to a garage sale so do not want to spend more then a a dollar or two on a nice outfit... and for separates I will not spend more then 25 cents or 50 cents for shirt/shorts/pants/sweater stuff even if it is "name brand."
If you are looking to make more then a buck or two for an outfit I would think you would be more successful selling them on eBay or resale shop. You could try first at the garage sale but just be prepared to not sell a lot with prices higher then $2 on clothes.