I've been called frequently, but it's also based on a variety of things - whether people voted in 2008 and 2010, where they stand on other issues, etc. So they might not ask you about Romney vs. Obama but they ask about other things and then track from there. And look at the polls you see with "MOE" at the end - that's Margin of Error.
Don't panic about "where we're going" - I've lived under Romney. He was a lot more interested in getting the job than in actually doing the job.
It's very easy to blame any one president for all the ills of the world, but it's just not realistic. Jobs are up, retailers are gearing up for their best season in years, the stock market is way up (which means that those people who incorrectly brand Obama as a "socialist" have to admit he's one lousy socialist since the market is up!), and many more indicators.
It's also very easy to be misled by the claims on both sides about how terrible the other one is - but the real issues are complex and you have to really evaluate the source of the statistics (for example, is it from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, or from a partisan newspaper such as the Wall St. Journal or the NY Times), and the ENTIRE issue needs to be looked at (not just one aspect). In my experience, very few people are willing to take the time to study the issues, and most are woefully uneducated about the way the government works. I see that on Mamapedia all the time, and from both "sides". We stopped teaching civics in our schools about 20 years ago, and it really shows.
Don't worry about the polls. Worry about getting really educated on all the issues, and not just the national ones. National politicians often come out of local and state races - that's where people get their experience, and those are the lobbyists and corporations they go to for money.
If we took all the money that's been spent on this election (counting Romney running for 6 years), and actually put it into people's jobs and pockets, into infrastructure, into education, and into mass transit (and you can name any project you want...) we'd be in much better shape!