Preschool Search - Colorado Springs,CO

Updated on December 07, 2006
D.G. asks from Farmington, NM
3 answers

does anyone know of any good preschools in the area that aren't also daycare facilities and that are affordable?

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answers from Colorado Springs on

Rockledge Ranch next to Garden of the Gods has a wonderful pre-school right on the farm. It is very reasonable too. The director's name is Mary and her office is at the "West Center for Intergenerational Learning".

Look into churches too. They often have pre-schools or mother's day out programs. Wilson United methodist Church on the west side of town has a mother's day out.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

I used to send my oldest to Joeseph's Montessori on Oro Blanco just south of Barnes. (it's been about 2 yrs since I had him there) They did preschool, daycare, take children who are not potty trained and will help with training, do some montessori teaching (along with regular preschool teaching) and also have some Christian based teachings as well. The only reason I took my son out was b/c we moved out of state. I am going to look into sending my 3 yr old there as well. - That's the only preschool I have experience with here, but I really liked them! Good luck!

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answers from Colorado Springs on

I loooked into pre-schools for my now 4 year old daughter a little over a year ago. I went in and right back out of so many my head started to spin. I finally decided on the young scholars academy because they traveled to different rooms, did music, learning workbooks, recess, spanish. etc. Well after a year there my daughter seemed to know less of the fundamentals than she did before I sent her! I decided to stop working and stay home with her again. We do computer games, workbooks, music.. etc.. I'm looking to add a child or two to bring back some of the income I lost to stay home. Plus she misses other the kid interaction, we do have playdates 2 or 3 times a week but it doesn't seem to be enough. If your interested in an inhome kind of thing you can email me at (I'm in the village 7 area). Angie

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