If you have done play-based and it didn't work for you, then you probably will prefer an academic school. Personally, I am 100% committed to play-based preschools and really don't see the need for kids to have a strong academic background as they enter kindergarten. I also think they can gain a lot more at a play-based school than many people realize.
Right now, I have a first grade son and a daughter in her first year at a play-based preschool. They are both doing great and my son was totally prepared for kindergarten when he finished his two years of preschool. At preschool, they always have one station each day that has games that are more directly related to academic-type learning (bingo with letters, number matching, etc) but still done as a board game and made fun for the children.
Consider buying more educational toys and games to play at home. Zingo is an excellent game and there are dozens of others. Look at Discovery Toys (www.discoverytoys.com) and Lakeshore Learning to find some truly wonderful products.