i took like five of mine i think. I did a horrible job and to top it off i hate veggies and fruits, i drank jucie juice and ate meats and pastas. My son and i didn't suffer one bit from my forgetfulness.
has anybody gone through a pregnancy and NOT taken them? i started taking mine the day i thought i was PG but then i just realized that i probably havent taken them in like 2 months, i just have totally forgot. i know that i should be taking them and i plan on trying to remember but what i want to know is have any of ya'll not taken them or done a crappy job of taking them (like me) and did it cause any problems
i took like five of mine i think. I did a horrible job and to top it off i hate veggies and fruits, i drank jucie juice and ate meats and pastas. My son and i didn't suffer one bit from my forgetfulness.
I forgot to take mine off and on with my 1st child and I haven't taken them with this one at all b/c they make me sick. I didn't show any difference in my son and my doctor says as long as you eat a good diet and get all the nutrients you need you should be fine.
The only thing that happened to me is my hair started getting dull and then coming out because, I guess, of vitamin defficency. I didn't take them for about month and a half because I just forgot. I started taking them after the first clump of hair came out in my brush and a week and a half later my hair was starting to shine again.
No worries, just like taking a multivitamin everyday.
Hi A.,
First of all, congrats on baby #2 on the way!
I have two little ones -- a son who turned two in February, and a baby girl who is 5-months-old. I was terribly forgetful about taking my prenatal vitamins with both my children. So, you're not alone there!
Both of my children have been healthy and happy since birth with no problems. I worried, too, when I would forget (for very long stretches of time) to take my prenatal vitamins. But, like I said, both my children are problem-free! ;)
Best wishes to you with the rest of your pregnancy and your delivery. You'll love having two ... it's great! ;)
H. (Mom of Luke & Chloe)
hey let me know what kind of info you get on this. because i have done the same thng. I 37 weeks and i could not tell you the last time i took one.
I had issue with remembering to take mine but I tried to eat healthy. My little girl came out fine 7 pounds, 6 ounces and healthy as can be.
Hi A.~I personally only forgot about 5x with both of my pregnanies....If you are eating a balanced diet (getting ALL the nutrients you should) then your baby is probably getting most of the vitamins he/she needs. The only thing I personally would worry about is the lack of folic acid that prevents serious birth defects. Check out www.marchofdimes.com there is some really good info on folic acid and birth defects.
Best wishes,
Im no doctor, and you shouldnt do anything without asking your doctor, but i had to take 2 flintstone vitamins a day because of severe nausea and upset stomach with the prenatal vitamins. also, drinks tons and tons of water when you are pregnant. not the flavored water, but straight out, pure water. good luck on the upcoming child! i hope all goes well with you!
Hi A.,
No worries. Unless the doctor specifically told you something you will be fine. I couldn't take prenatal vitamins when I was pregnant and I was carrying twins, and they turned out just fine. So, I would not worry about it.
I did a crappy job of taking them too! I am horrible at remembering to take any type of medicine on a regular basis. (We'd be in trouble if I was taking BC pills instead of getting an IUD! haha) And it didn't help that the prenatal vitamins made me nauseous when I took them. But my little girl is just fine. She is healthy, smart, and growing! I did have gestational diabetes during my last 2 months of the pregnancy & that forced me to eat more healthy. Try to make sure that you are eating a balanced diet of healthy foods. That will probably help in case you don't always take the vitamins.
Hi A.,
Yes, I had the same problem. I have always had problems trying to remember to take any medication, even doctor prescribed, so vitamins are often neglected, although I don't mean to forget, it just happens.
So, with my first pregnancy, I would go for weeks without taking them, simply because I forgot.
My second pregnancy, the vitamins made me sick, and I couldn't take them. I tried different types and brands, but they still made me sick.
Both of my children were born very healthy, and are still healthy today (ages 5 and 8).
However, it is still best for your baby for you to take them, so you might want to carry your cell phone in your pants pocket, program the alarm to go off every day at a certain time, and it will help you to remember to take your vitamins. If I had a cell phone back when I was first pregnant, it would have helped tremendously!
If you don't have a cell phone, or can't carry it in your pocket, get a watch with an alarm on it, and program it to go off at the same time every day.
Take care.
The vitamins are more for mom and not baby. The baby will get whatever nutrients it needs to grow from the food you eat, but if you are not eating enough of the "right" foods, you (mom) can get ill or have complications (such as anemia) because the baby is getting all of the nutrients and there is not enough left for you.
I had a very difficult time with my vitamins and ended up trying several brands before I found a vitamin and a way to take them without making me sick. Even if you missed some, start taking them again, I had to take mine at dinner after I ate half of my food and then eat the rest of my dinner to keep from having upset stomach.
i did not take my prenantal vitamins with any of my kids. it did not cause any problems.
My prenatal vitamins made me really sick so I wasn't able to take them my second pregnancy. My dr. explained that I should get everything I need from my diet. But I took flintstone vitamins instead to be on the safe side...and he turned out just fine!
Good Luck!
I honestly did not take mine everyday. I dont take any type of medicine ao i was hard to get in the habit of taking one. I had no problem with my pregnancy other than the norm (heartburn nausea, etc.) I was full term and had a beautiful baby girl in July of 05.
A., I'm here to tell you, as long as you eat right, and see the doctor regularly, you should be fine. i could not take PN Vitimins because they iron in the pills made me dreadfully sick and i had three children, and the smallest was 8 lb 8 oz, and i just eat what i was suppose to. just tell your dr, and eat plenty of fruits and veggies and meat (i hate veggies except potatoes, and i still had very healthy children). do you plan on breast feeding? if so, make sure you drink plenty of milk. if you dont take vitamins (you know you'll forget!!), at least get extra calicum because your bones will be affected if you don't. Good luck and congrats on the new baby!!
A. - I did the same thing, took them diligently from the time I was 3 wks pregnant for about 3 weeks. Then couldn't remember them (same thing happened with my birth control pills prior to getting pregnant - hmmm see the connection?) Anyway, always follow your dr's advice, but imho if you eat as well as you can and make sure you get folic acid in something, you and your baby should be fine.
**From wikipedia - Leaf vegetables such as spinach and turnip greens, dried beans and peas, fortified cereal products, sunflower seeds and certain other fruits and vegetables are rich sources of folate, as is liver.