If you had it removed about halfway through your cycle and were sexually active then, yes, you could become pregnant. That's about the time the ovary releases an egg.
I was wondering if it was possible to become preg after removal of maraina IUD before I start my period. I had it removed and havent started but have been sexually active and I think I am haveing signs of being preg but not sure. Pleases give any info to help. Thanks
If you had it removed about halfway through your cycle and were sexually active then, yes, you could become pregnant. That's about the time the ovary releases an egg.
ummm yep....go take a test
I'm not sure about the mirena specifically. Your body works in a way that you ovulate before your period so yes it is possible. The only way to know for sure is to take a test. Be aware that tests won't be positive until you are 2 weeks along or so. Every ones body is different and although some people take 3-6 months others only take a few weeks.
sure, the IUD does not interfere with ovulation so you can become pregnant if you had it removed and then ovulated, which would have been before your cycle. If you don't start your cycle at the right time, I'd get a pregnancy test. Good luck!!
I had a close friend who got pregnant WITH her IUD in place... so yes, I'm sure it's possible. The scenario you write of happened to my Mom with me.
It was planned for me but YES you can get pregnant right after it is removed... I got mine out on March 17th 2010 I bled for a couple days due to the removal... I never had a period and was pregnant by the first wk or two in April....
I got my Mirena removed.. then immediately started trying to make a baby..After about a week or so I re-started my cycle, got pregnant then the doctor told me at my first ultrasound that I actually got pregnant before I (thought I) ovulated for the first time. So I'd say yes. ie: I got my mirena out on Mar 22, my first cycle started the 29th but they're telling me I got pregnant around the 25th. And my symptoms started early too (I attributed most of it to my first post-mirena period but I think it was the baby). ALSO another weird thing.. I tested positive on a home test at like 2-3 weeks, got the pic and everything. My doctor didn't believe me until he did the ultrasound then wasn't totally convinced until we saw the heartbeat like a week later. Go figure.