Pregnant???? - Hamlet,NC

Updated on September 06, 2014
P.M. asks from unknown city, unknown state
5 answers

I turned 44 recently. In May 2014, I had hormone levels checked because I was super tired after 1:00 pm. B12 was super low so Primary Dr. Put me on B12 shots biweekly! Everything was fine except I haven't had a period since July 11, 2014. Negative urine and blood test but Dr. Felt my uterus and stated it felt full so she ordered an ultrasound in 2 weeks. I have never missed a period except for pregnancy. About 8 years ago I had a mymectomy, tubal reversal and was told I was able to conceive but stopped trying after a year because we had a change of heart. We both have bouts of nausea and I have this all the time craving for ice cream. I do have cramps, very full tender breast, and I have gained about 7-8 pounds since July...any answers are Appreciated...Dr. Stated B12 does not interfere with periods...

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So What Happened?

Thanks to you both for your responses to my questions. I hope this is how to reply to the first two responses but yes I have been having unprotected sex since then. I have tried some bc methods in the past but didn't adjust to them well...both of us is me and my husband feeling nauseous...

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answers from Danville on


Not to be snarky, but have you had sex? Even IF you were using birth control, YES you could be pregnant.

The only SURE way to not get pregnant is NOT to have sex...

***of course there was this virgin...***

And, I have to ask, who is this "we both have bouts of nausea" that you mention?

***TF and I appear to think alike!!!***


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answers from Dallas on

First question and it is Am I pregnant?

You are 44. I would think you are well aware that if you have unprotected sex you could be pregnant.

So you had a change of mind after a tubal reversal.... What have you used for birth control? If you don't want to be pregnant, ever, get yourself fixed or abstain from sex.

Are you saying your partner is having pregnancy symptoms as well? Strange.

I guess you'll find out in 2 weeks!

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answers from Philadelphia on

Take a pregnancy test.

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answers from Austin on

Just because you aren't having a period doesn't mean that you won't ovulate once in a while....

and the problem with that, is that if you do have sex when you are ovulating, then yes, you could be pregnant.

You could also be in the early stages of menopause, which is why your period is so irregular.... and yes, people do get pregnant while going through menopause...

Just take a dollar store pregnancy test and see what it says..... or wait until the ultrasound in 2 weeks.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I imagine after trying for a year to get pregnant and it not happening that you figured it was not possible.

I would say that if you want to know now go to the Doc's office and ask them to do the ultra sound now. Either way you'll know.

I tried to get pregnant the first year hubby and I were married. No luck. I took temps, charted, did everything and since my first pregnancy, with my ex, had happened right away I accepted my new hubby and I would not have kids together.

I've not taken any form of birth control in the 22 years we've been married.

Still not pregnant. When it keeps coming up not pregnant over and over and over and you're having sex like bunnies you come to accept you can't get pregnant.

So stop being mean to her. If you've ever accepted something like that it just is what it is.

I would imagine your doc should go ahead and do the ultra sound. It's not fair to make you wait for no good reason. Either you're pregnant or you're starting menopause. There are other options but not good ones.

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