I had the same experience with the same 2 pregnancy tests. I was anxious as well and tested a couple days before my period with EPT...it was negative but I just had this intuition that I was pregnant. I did a search online for false positives and found a site (sorry I don't remember which one it was) that listed pregnancy tests in the order of their sensitivites. EPT was pretty far down the list compared to First Response. So I bought a First Response test (which I used with my first child) and tested the day I was supposed to start. The faintest line appeared I felt just like you...I thought maybe I was just willing it to be there. So I took a second First Response test shortly after and there was another faint but a little darker 2nd line. Unfortunately I miscarried that one :( We began trying again and last month I was anxious again and tested with First Response the day I was supposed to start and there was no 2nd line. So I've seen the test prestented both ways and even if it is a faint line go with it. Congratulations!! :) Best of luck. I hope to be testing again within a couple weeks!