Hi T.,
I've been doing cloth since my son was born (once the meconium was passed into disposables, because it stains). I bought 12 kissaluvs fitted diapers. They were a little pricey, but I loved them SO MUCH. I also bought 12 prefolds and 3 BumGenius pockets. The pocket diapers were huge on him at first. He started wearing those around 3 months or so.
The prefolds worked really well for me. Here's a website that shows you how to fold them: http://www.pinstripesandpolkadots.com/PrefoldswithCovers.htm
I used the basic fold with a snappi. My favorite covers are thristies and bummis whisper wrap.
I bought all my diapers from Inge at www.diaperware.com.
Have fun! :)