I did lots of craft stuff with my kids and my daycare / nanny kids. Here is the number one thing you need to know about crafting with kids. I can't stress it enough so am going to put it all in caps lol. IT'S THE PROCESS NOT THE PROJECT THAT COUNTS!!! ok off my soap box now. craft projects at that age are to get comfortable with the materials. the glue, and glue sticks. I put glue in milk jug lids and give them q tips to spread it. thus saving the rest of the table from a big glue mess. the scissors, the paper, feathers, beans macaroni etc. Its not about how perfect the snowman is constructed but about the gluing stuff together. I had a preschool teacher tear my sons snowman eyes off and reglue them herself as she felt they were not in the right place. Get some things and put them in a box and it becomes the art box. I have had the same box for years (it came originally from sams with frozen waffles) in it we have glue, paste, pipe cleaners, glitter, water color paint, markers, crayons, scissors, stapler, hole puncher, old greeting cards, feathers, a ziplock of sequins, one of macaroni, one of rice and one of beans. when the kids are bored out of their skulls we pull out the box, layer the table with old newspaper and let them create till their hearts are content. its a big messy noisy time and they love it. don't give them specific finished projects to make except for a vague starting point. ex: lets make some book marks and then let them go at it. he will love it.