I wanted my son to go to a Christian preschool so he could learn about God since I'm no where near knowledgeable enough to teach him. I mean, I did have alot of years in Catholic school, but, it's been too long for me to remember anything. So I sent him to preschool to help him learn. Well, once he finished preschool, he would be done learning about God in school. I would send him to a private school, but, since it's ridiculously expensive, there's no way we could afford it. So I thought that since it's MY responsibility to maintain religion in our home and keep my children in touch with God, I JUST HAD to go back to Church and re-learn everything myself. So we started going back to Church regularly when he was 5yrs old and continue to maintain our participation...it's now been 2yrs.
I am so happy to be in Church again. My kids are participating in Church activities and classes on a weekly basis. Now that my daughter is school age, she's old enough to do these classes as well.
I find it of the utmost importance to have God the center of your life. I just cannot do anything without HIM. My kids absolutely see and hear me speak of Him throughout the day in every situation whether it be thanking Him for the beautiful weather or asking Him to help me find something I lost. I'm always referencing Him. Now I'm not a freak about it, but, I am trying to teach my kids that ultimately, God is the reason for everything we have and everything we have accomplished.