Praying at Night with Your Child

Updated on August 19, 2011
A.M. asks from Nyack, NY
18 answers

I am not a REALLY religious person...we don't go to church on a weekly basis; however we do believe in God, pray and try our best to lead a good Christian life...we did have our 15 month old son Baptised, and I do want to instill our beliefs in him.

When reading to him tonight before bed we came across the book my MIL and FIL gave him for his Baptism. Sooo cute! We have read it before. It's about how God loves us each and every one of us no matter what.

I truly believe in the power of prayer...and most often pray on a daily basis (to myself). For those of you who are or do familar to did you introduce prayer to your chil and most importantly at what age? I do talk about God with him...simple...just that he loves us and watches over us, etc.

Thanks for your help!

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answers from Dallas on

We did this from the very beginning.
Now that my boys are in their late teens, they are questioning some things about their faith, which I think is very healthy. You can't say you believe one thing if you don't know what else there is. Doing that myself made my faith and belief stronger.

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answers from Redding on

I always had my kids do the "Now I lay me down to sleep...." prayer before I left their room after story time. They didnt have to get down on their knees by the bed, I let them do it right there while lying in bed. I think it's a good way to teach them that the connection is always open, teaching them to dialogue with God is a good thing. When we would get ready to go on a long car ride I would also say a little prayer out loud asking God to get us to our destination safely. The more they see you talking to the Lord the easier it will become for them to do the same.

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answers from Detroit on

I have prayed with my children every night at bedtime since they were born. I obviously keep the prayers at a level they can understand. We praise God, thank God, and ask for God's guidance about issues relevant to our child and to us as parents. For ex. Thank you for the amazing animals you created (we went to the zoo), please help us to be kind to others (working on sharing and playing nicely), please help me (M.) to be patient (lost my cool today), etc. As soon as my children could speak, they began saying prayers too. They are pretty darn cute! I loved it when my daughter (Emily) used to say "Thank you for Mee-mee" (the name she called herself.)

Don't forget to read the Bible to them too! There's a great Bible for 2-6 yr. olds called the Read and Share Bible. My kids often pick it as their bedtime story choices, and I frequently catch my 5 yr. old reading it to herself. They love it!

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answers from Wausau on

We started with "and now I lay me down to sleep I pray the lord my soul to keep the angles watch me through the night and keep me in their blessed sight...AMEN" We did this with our first until she remembered it and could say it on her own...what we leared from this is she cought on and started adding to the prayer who own little prayer things like "and thank you for my Dad and my Mom and my toy car and my shoes..." ect. we still start the night with the prayer some nights the kids add on some nights they don't. It is always wonderful to hear what they have to say!!

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answers from Washington DC on

for my kids, we pray together every day since the day they were born. Well, me or my husband will pray and the kids just listen. we just pray about what is on our minds. We thank God for the things he does for us, and just whatever comes up and is from our hearts. About a month ago, my 4 year old said he would like to pray. It was just the sweetest thing I have ever heard! He prayed to keep daddy safe (he is a police officer), for no bad dreams, for his sister to not get scared at night, and for no airplanes to crash, lol! He is obsessed with airplanes. But, it's just so sweet because it's so innocent and from his heart.

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answers from Charleston on

I'm no super religious fanatic either, but I have prayed with and for my children since infancy. They now can say their own prayers by themselves each night. (Ages 8 & 4) They know that he is there to watch over us and they can always turn to him. I have never pushed it on them, just mentioned it usually at bedtime about his importance in our lives. We don't make a big deal, and they don't ask a lot of questions, they just kinda "get it". If I or their dad forgets to say prayers with them, they remind us. I am a big believer in "faith" and not just "church". I don't believe one has to go to church to have faith.

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answers from Rochester on

We've been praying with our children since they were born. Spontaneous prayer when needed, prayers at dinner, etc...I think our oldest started praying on her own when she was 2 or so, because she was so familiar with "talking to God." There doesn't need to be anything formal about it...just do it! :)

Oh yes, and there is a WONDERFUL "Little Golden Book" called "Prayers for Children." We've bought a copy for each of our children and every other child we know, pretty much. It is full of beautiful prayers, and I think my husband has them all memorized. :)

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answers from Sioux City on

I prayed with my children since birth. I take them to Mass several times a week and we have always had morning, evening, and prayer before meals.

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answers from Dallas on

With prayer, we have family prayer regularly - prayers on food, prayers before we go drive anywhere, prayers at night, etc. They are born with it being normal for them. You could start saying prayer over your food and take it from there.

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answers from Dallas on

I wanted my son to go to a Christian preschool so he could learn about God since I'm no where near knowledgeable enough to teach him. I mean, I did have alot of years in Catholic school, but, it's been too long for me to remember anything. So I sent him to preschool to help him learn. Well, once he finished preschool, he would be done learning about God in school. I would send him to a private school, but, since it's ridiculously expensive, there's no way we could afford it. So I thought that since it's MY responsibility to maintain religion in our home and keep my children in touch with God, I JUST HAD to go back to Church and re-learn everything myself. So we started going back to Church regularly when he was 5yrs old and continue to maintain our's now been 2yrs.

I am so happy to be in Church again. My kids are participating in Church activities and classes on a weekly basis. Now that my daughter is school age, she's old enough to do these classes as well.

I find it of the utmost importance to have God the center of your life. I just cannot do anything without HIM. My kids absolutely see and hear me speak of Him throughout the day in every situation whether it be thanking Him for the beautiful weather or asking Him to help me find something I lost. I'm always referencing Him. Now I'm not a freak about it, but, I am trying to teach my kids that ultimately, God is the reason for everything we have and everything we have accomplished.

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answers from Phoenix on

The Lord and prayer has been in our family since the kids were born. Every night, 5 min of prayer. Every morning 5 min of prayer. It is just a routine.

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answers from New York on

I pray with my daughter when I put her to sleep since she was a baby. We simply thank God for the day we had, for our health, family, friends, food, etc. and ask for His protection. Since she started understanding things and started listening to stories, I tell her some Bible stories I know as her bedtime stories. Not every night, but it depends on what subject is convenient on that day. Sometimes, when I go outside with her, I show her the birds and the way they sing, or the ants working, anything that is from nature and teach her that that all exists because God has created them. I believe that we have to show them that we should act as God wants us to every time, not only when we sit down and pray.



answers from New York on

"Prayer for a Child" was a book given to me when my first was born. The pictures are as sweet as the words. With my 4 and almost 2 y.o., we say a night time prayer followed by "God bless (insert key members of family)" every day. We begin and end, of course, with the Sign of the Cross. The cutest part is watching them try to make the Sign, lol.



answers from Cleveland on

Grace at dinner and bedtime prayers from the age of one. At first, I would say the "Now I lay me" prayer, but once my children could talk, they took over. Now that they are older (12 and 8) they say the same prayer, but then add their own words at the end for whatever they want to pray about. I expect it won't be long before they drop the "Now I lay me" part, and go straight to talking to God, like I do.

And you don't have to be religious to be spiritual. : )

But you may want to find a church soon to start going to so that your son (and you) can experience being part of a church family. It IS very nice to have a good church family. (And takes a bit of shopping around to find one) They will always be there to help and support you and your family in whatever you may face in life. And if your son chooses NOT to go to church when he is older, then at least he has had the experience as a child, so he can make that decision fully informed.




answers from New York on

We started with Grace at meals. At 10 months old, both of my children knew how to fold their hands before they eat-it was just by modeling. We did it and around that age, they caught on. Once my daughter started talking, I started the "God is Great" Grace. Now that is her thing, she says Grace. At bedtime we say a modified "Now I lay me down to sleep" together. At this age, I think just by modeling and praying without ceasing is the best way to introduce it. Children learn what they live..... :)


answers from Houston on

when i was a kid my mom used to the old "if i should die before i wake..."one with me. With my daughter she made up her own at about 3 years old

"line... star, line... star , goodnight God, goodnight God"

I still dont know what it means, but she said it for years, and came up with it all on her own.



answers from Miami on

You instill values and religion by living it. We go to church most sundays. She takes CCD classes. But the one item I remember when she was younger was a simple prayer her preschool had the all the kids say right before eating. It goes something like God is good God is Great Thank you for our daily food. Of course I know I'm saying it wrong lol. But it start a converstation with my daughter where I explained about why we are thank ful and what it means to have faith and pray. She hears me say thank you to God when something good happens. She hears me say Thank you lord for your help send me guildance through hard times.



answers from San Francisco on

You are doing great!

Prayer has been a big part of our life all along...since we got married. As kids came along they joined in our already established traditions. We pray as a family every morning and night and at meals. Before bed we read scripture passages together. We also attend church together each week and midweek activities. My kids love to sing churchy songs before bed too. These all have a very calming effect and help our kids and ourselves to remember there is a higher power than ourselves. We can turn to Him in our time of need, joy, pain, sadness,sorrow,depression, accomplishments etc.

Prayer is a great way to teach our children to think of others and offer prayers on behalf of those that have special needs...grandma who is sick...neighbor who just had a baby....friend who just had surgery etc.

We have been talking alot lately about the power of prayer and praying for others instead of using the good Lord like a big Santa Claus in the sky that will grant their every wish. Prayer is a way to teach gratitude and love for others.

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