It is not too early, but you need to fully understand what is involved BEFORE you actually start the potty training. Go to, buy the little book, read it and prepare yourself first. Do you know what you are going to use as a reward? Are you prepared to clean up a lot of mess? Are you prepared to spend all day thinking, talking, and going potty for a few days? If you are not ready, it won't happen no matter how ready you think your child is. I have five children, four girls (7,5,4,2) and a baby boy (7 mo). I used this method of potty training all of my girls, they were potty trained at 18,24,19, and 20 months respectively. You need to weigh all the pros and cons before you start. If you do it this young they will be out of diapers, but they will need you to help them to to the bathroom every time until they are old enough to physically do it themselves, 6 months or so (pulling their pants down and getting on the potty is hard at that size). To me, that is worth getting them out of diapers. I have not had 2 in daipers for more than a 3 month overlap, and I value that. I personally believe that you have this early window to do it in, and if you miss out at this age you need to just wait until they are 2 and a half or 3. Right after this stage, they become very independent and stubborn and can not be "forced" into potty training no matter how ready you are at that point. Each of my girls was different. My second had an accident every time for the first two days and on the third day she woke up and never missed again. My third, took the full three days and a little into the fourth and every once in a while still had other accidents over the next 6 months. My fourth and most challenging child, quickly got the peeing, but would not tell me when she needed to poop in the potty for about two months after that. I quickly learned her natural pooping times and would take her to sit on the potty every few min. during that time until she went. You should also know that it is normal (at least for all of my kids, and some friends kids who were not potty trained as early) to relapse 8-12 months later (just peeing). I think they start experimenting with how long they can hold it before they actully go. But that never lasted more than 2 weeks or so. So, there are pros and cons to everything - what do you value most? Less work for you, longer in diapers - or a little more work, no more diapers? Your answer may not be the same as someone elses and that is OK - you are pregnant after all!! Good luck!