Potty Training Issues - Arlington,TX

Updated on September 20, 2007
K.S. asks from Arlington, TX
5 answers

My 33 month old son has been potty trained since June. We never forced it. He decided one day he didn't want to wear a diaper and we never put one after that. Since this past saturday, he has had accident after accident. Before that, he may have had 10 accidents total (including night time). He doesn't pee in his pants...it is #2 and I am at a complete loss as to why. He changed daycare in August, but he is so much happier at this daycare, that I don't think that is the cause. I did start a new job and I did have to travel in August. He had a few accidents while I was gone, but then stopped when I got home. Also, he is peeing in his bed at night, which he had only done once before. At night, I think it is because he is sleeping longer. I now wake him up before I go to bed around 11/12 and make him pee and that solves the issue for the most part. My husband threatens to put him back in diapers and I refuse to do it. Besides my husband is never home to clean the gross underwear. My mom says that maybe I should bribe/reward him with chocolate when he goes #2 in the potty. Any suggestions????

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answers from Dallas on

i would not suggest candy but extra time with you. an extra story at or an extra 30 min at the park, if he goes number 2 in the potty. they say food should not be used as a reward for everyday behavior. they will see it there and want rewards for other things like brushing teeth. he might have had a hard bowel movement that hurt and that scared him. also do you have a stool for him to push on. its hard to push with out using your legs. hope this helps



answers from Dallas on

What has helped us to avoid bed wetting is putting the little potty in my DD's room at night. We just put it in there when she goes to bed and empty it and put it away in the morning. she hasn't had an accident in bed since then.

Also, our DD didn't go #2 on the potty until about 3 months after she was totally pp trained. She would ask for a pull up when she needed to do it so at least we never had to clean up after her. We told her that she had to go #2 on the potty if she wanted to take Ballet and go to preschool, and we picked a day and circled a date on the calendar before they both started. Every day we would talk about the day when she was going to go poo poo on the potty and look at the calendar so she could see how many more days. She was scared the first time so we sat with her and held her hand, but she has used the potty ever since then.



answers from Dallas on

I can tell you what worked for my daughter, rewards, however I do not agree with your mother as far as using food as a reward. For my little one we made a pretty sticker chart together every week and hung it on the bathroom door. Every time she went on the potty she got a sticker for that day on her chart, when she received a certian number of stickers she got a suprise. We did this with potty training and it worked. We had the same problem with #2 after she was doing great for some time. We started the sticker chart again with the promise of ear rings and getting her toe nails painted (both of which she really wanted) and we were back on the potty with no accidents.
I hope this helps.



answers from Dallas on

Don't know if this works, but when my youngest daughter was in daycare they rewarded her with one m&m for peeing in the toilet and two m&m's for the other. The kids loved the treat and it seemed to work pretty well.



answers from Dallas on

If he is in good spirits but continues going #2, you may want to see a doctor. My little cousin started doing the same thing all of a sudden, without cause or explanation. We eventually learned that he had pinworms, which was causing him not to be able to control it. I know that this is very unlikely, but it is something to look into. Good luck.

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