How old? If they are still 20 mos, all I would do is introduce them to the potty. We do this and are doing it with our 21 month old, Have a potty there and encourage them to just sit on it -- sometimes my son likes to sit on it with his clothes on, teach them the process of potty, flush, wash hands... Then with your DG who is interested, take her often, consider training pants or at least pull ups so they can practice pulling pants up and down. It is harder in the winter, but if you can let them go with just the pull up or training pant, perhaps you know when they normally go poo and you can take her pretty frequently around that time. Have books by the potty and plan to stay there with your child (maybe you need 2 potties). It will take a long time for them to go and when they do, make a HUGE HAPPY party about it!!! THere was this movie I got from the library that ahd this catchy song like *bye bye poo poo bye bye pee pee* my son loved it!!! We would sing, read. I did pull ups first then training pants then undies. Follow their cues and don't push too much, remember accidents happen so if you have carpet hopefully you have a carpet shapmpooer if not I highly recommend one. Best of luck!