D.; its ok, first of all most kids dont get the full sense of it tll around four, they will revert back when thngs in household change its perfectly normal, be patient like you were in the beginning, be the good mom you were before the baby came, you did it, when different situations come into our lives we no longer are able to deal with certain things like we used to, its ok, he will catch on, and yeah its hard when you have to clean it up, especialy when your time now is divided, and have like no time, you are doing well, keep up the good work, he will get it, he will find a way to deal with it, and in time he will get it back, its not lost its just adjustment to a new life, a new world , a new mommy, im sure he dont want to make the mess, he may be just as busy as you are enjoying the new life and he may miss you sooo much he dont want to take any time away from you even to go potty, its ok, its how kids deal with things, keep up the good work and patience is the key, it will happen, he has it, he just is learning to deal with the changes in his life, and remember 4 he wlll have it down by 4 you got some time yet, keep smiling, and have a wonderful day , D. s